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Meghan Markle’s Behavior And Dog Biscuits Are Raising Eyebrows

Meghan Markle’s Behavior And Dog Biscuits Are Raising EyebrowsTiming is everything, especially when it comes to the royal family. There’s a new report that suggests Meghan Markle’s behavior is once again raising eyebrows, especially among the royals.

That’s because the Duchess of Sussex decided to launch her new line of dog biscuits from her on the same day that King Charles officially celebrated his birthday at Trooping the Colors.

Not only that, but hew new products under her lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, has not don’t a very good job of impressing audiences.

Royal Family News – Meghan Markle’s Behavior And Dog Biscuits Are Raising Eyebrows

At least, that’s how royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams feels about the entire matter.

In a new interview with The Mirror, he put it this way, “Meghan’s lifestyle brand, American Rivera Orchard, didn’t cause much excitement among A-listers when she sent fifty samples of strawberry jam to influencers in March. She got very few endorsements.”

The Duchess of Sussex is also being blasted for trying to steal the royal family’s thunder again, although this time around it really didn’t work out for her as she had hoped.

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He continued, “Apparently two more products, raspberry jam and dog biscuits, have just been launched. To do this on the same day as Trooping the Color shows a very naive approach to marketing as they know journalists keep an eye on what they do.”

“Nacho Figueras, Harry’s polo playing friend, posted that he’d received jam and dog biscuits and posted photos.”

“Whereas cynics might say the raspberry sums up the Sussexes destructive attitude to the royal family rather well, on the jar it said two of two.”

“If she wants her brand to succeed, Meghan better be more adventurous than this!”

So far Meghan Markle has not made any comments about the matter although at this point it’s doubtful that she will.

We will definitely update you with more on the matter once details come in.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

  1. Linda says

    I would not ever buy anything of hers nor Harry’s. She is a a self righteous you know what. Dint like her never have never will. Spoiled entitled _______!

  2. […] Princess Kate’s return to the spotlight at this year’s Trooping the Colour was a marvelous and happy thing. It stole headlines around the world and touched the hearts of many a royal fan around the world. […]

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