Meghan Markle’s Desperate New Plan Revealed: She’s Going To Hold Nothing Back

Meghan Markle has a plan in case everything goes south. There’s a new report that suggests Meghan Markle has a Plan B in mind just in case her new project doesn’t work.

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She’s already lost her multi-million dollar contract with Spotify and Christian Dior made it pretty clear that they don’t want her or Prince Harry anymore.

So if she starts running out of options, the Duchess of Sussex thinks that the best way to make money is to write a tell-all book.

It worked for her husband Prince Harry and it’s certainly going to work for her as well.

Meghan Markle’s Desperate New Plan Revealed: She’s Going To Hold Nothing Back

Royal reporter Camilla Tominey even wrote for the Telegraph and said, “Perhaps surprisingly, no one is more determined for them to make a success of the project than the royals themselves.”

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Another source close to the situation added, “If the film flops then they’ll no doubt revert to mud-slinging. Everyone’s worried about the prospect of Meghan writing her autobiography and naming the ‘royal racist.”

It goes without saying that many royal fans have had a lot to say about the possibility of reading Meghan Markle’s tell-all memoir.

READ THIS: Find out what happens next with the Royal Family.

Some have taken to social media to write comments such as, “It would be great if Meg would write her memoir as they are so concerned about her doing it.

So they in their infinite wisdom are already giving her none existent book PR. They never learn.”

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Is Meghan Markle Working On Her New Book?

Another royal observer had this to say: “Personally I hope M writes her memoir sooner rather than later (totally selfish of me, I know).

If H can pull back the curtain on his life and address the narratives the media (with assistance from his family) has churned out about him then I don’t see why M can’t do the same.

As the only biracial person to marry into that family, her first person account of that experience is invaluable for the historical record (and we know how royal leakers love to set the historical record straight as we saw with the naming of Lilibet).”

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King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Crystal

    Not a good idea she has children to consider and they have lost out enough of both families.

  • Joan

    She is not known for being truthful, so I wouldn’t believe anything she published.

  • VLJ

    The DuchASS is ALWAYS ready to cash in. She has zero talent abmnd no one knew anything about her until she married the mentally paralyzed Prince. A spoiled brat who everyone do everything for him now wants to “relate” to the common folk! What a joke these two are.. . A has-been and a never was. Give them what they want…Try to go a week without mentioning them no one really cares. People read headlines hoping to see them fail. The most thirsty, boring people on tge planet.

  • VAS

    Her book will be totally fiction and who really cares about her once a liar always a liar