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Meghan Markle’s Desperation, Uses DOG Biscuits To Upstage Princess Catherine

Meghan Markle's Desperation, Uses DOG Biscuits To Upstage Princess CatherineBritish royal family news shows that once a fame hog, always a fame hog, looking at you Meghan Markle. Just as predicted, Meghan could not help but thrust herself into the spotlight just as Princess Catherine made headlines.

As soon as Kate Middleton announced on Friday that she would be present at Saturday’s Trooping the Colour event, social media lit with predictions that Meghan would try to steal her thunder and she did not disappoint.

This time she enlisted Markle lapdog Nacho Figueras to shill her latest low-profile product from fabled American Riviera Orchard. We don’t expect better from the likes of Kris Kardashian but pro polo stud Nacho should have better things to do. Woof.

Royal News – Meghan Thrusts Herself Into Spotlight with ARO

Nacho is a close pal of Meghan’s second husband, Prince Harry. He’s just shared images of Meghan’s newest jamscam and innovative dog biscuits to his Instagram Stories.

His wife was tagged with Meghan’s first batch of jamscam, maybe she’s done flogging the Discount Duchess’s wares?

In case you missed it, Meghan sent 50 jars of strawberry jam to influencers and stars allegedly in the hopes they would advertise on socials. Maybe ten people admitted to being in bed with Meghan, Delfina Figueras being one of them.

Royal Family News – Nacho Loves Dog Bisquits

According to the Daily Mail, June’s Jam of the Month Club is pushing raspberry preserves and lucky received Nacho got a jar with a non-peeling label that read: ‘2 of 2.’ Everything about that is so wrong.

Who was number one and why haven’t they come forward? Why only two jars? Does Nacho like being second best? Wait, we know who got the first jar: that Nigerian criminal official who is Meghan’s newest best friend, the fugitive she accepted an all-expense trip from a few days ago.

Royal Family News – Meghan Has A New Jam

Nacho posted a pic of Meghan’s dog biscuits next to his totally unimpressed dog Nina Iggy. In two pics the dog is facing away from the treats, presumably not up to his standard.

Nacho’s post came in time to try and upstage Kate Middleton’s highly anticipated appearance at Trooping the Colour, to which the Markles were not invited for the second year in a row.

Royal fans, on a scale of 1 to 10 how sad is Meghan Markle’s thirst?

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