Meghan Markle’s Lawsuit Backfires: Suing For Privacy Airs More Dirty Laundry

As many now know, Meghan Markle is currently embroiled in a massive lawsuit against the British company, Associated Newspapers. For those who don’t know, Meghan filed the lawsuit because tabloids associated with Associated Newspapers got a hold of a private five-page letter, which Meghan had written to her father, Thomas Markle, and published it. Many fans of the British Royal family might agree that Meghan definitely has a right to her privacy.

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The tabloids published, in part, the following: “Please allow us to live our lives in peace,” it read in part. “Please stop lying, please stop creating so much pain, please stop exploiting my relationship with my husband … if you take a moment to pause I think you’ll see that being able to live with a clear conscience is more valuable than any payment in the world.”

According to Meghan’s court papers, Meghan accuses the tabloids of editing her letter in order to paint her as a vicious villain. Indeed many feel that the publication of the private letter seemed mean spirited and cruel, and as Meghan suggested … part of an entire smear campaign against her by the British press.

However, since Meghan filed the lawsuit things have gone south for the Duchess of Sussex rather quickly. Much dirty laundry as well as complaints against the British Royal family itself have been revealed as Meghan’s court documents have come to light. This has caused a strain on Meghan’s relationship with Buckingham Palace, according to multiple reports.

Now, some believe that Meghan might wish to withdraw her lawsuit altogether. That’s because another actor has filed a libel lawsuit in the U.K. and it hasn’t gone well for him at all. That actor is the famous Johnny Depp. Many aspects of Johnny’s lawsuit are similar to Meghan Markle’s. Namely, the fact that while both actors are suing over something very specific, the British courts allow a lot of room for a wide variety of related and unrelated sordid details to be made public.

For example, the New York Post reported on Johhny Depp’s lawsuit and some of the details that emerged were more than embarrassing. For example, tabloids crowed as “humiliating details of his ill-fated marriage to ex-wife Amber Heard — evidence submitted in everything from Depp’s drug binges at breakfast to Heard, or one of her friends, pooping in the marital bed” were made public.

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Now, with three “tell-all” books set to hit the shelves of bookstores and the internet at the end of summer 2020, the lawyers for Associated Newspapers are sure to have plenty of material from which to draw ammunition. As some are now cautioning, if Meghan doesn’t think the publication will play hardball, she’s got another thing coming.

The bottom line for Meghan Markle is that there are literally thousands of things that she might find embarrassing, and which could come up in court. Each of them could not only cause Meghan embarrassment, but they could drive a wedge between her and the British Royal family. Indeed, these revelations might be so bad that Meghan might not be able to recover. That also says nothing about how such revelations might affect her marriage to Prince Harry!

Johnny Depp’s maybe a cautionary tale then, to which Meghan Markle should pay heed.

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Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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