Negotiations Failed Between The Sussexes And The Royal Family Ahead Of The Coronation?

Could it be that Meghan Markle is not going to King Charles’ coronation simply because she didn’t get what she wants? That’s what some critics are saying is there’s a new report that suggests the Duke and Duchess of Sussex apparently did not get what they wanted in the coronation negotiations.

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That’s why Prince Harry has decided to fly to London for the festivities on his own. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Negotiations Failed Between The Sussexes And The Royal Family Ahead Of The Coronation?

According to royal author and expert Robert Lacey, he believes that Meghan Markle stepped back from attending the coronation just because she didn’t get everything from her supposed list of demands.

Now what that list had could be anyone’s guess. But Lacey said there was no way that King Charles or anyone else in the royal family was going to give in, especially after all the things that Harry and Meghan had said in the past.

He put it this way, “It seems the result of the best part of a month’s discussions and negotiations have not worked,” said the royal historian and author Robert Lacey. The invitation had been on the table for a month, so negotiations were likely because it was possible for the Sussexes to reply a month ago.”

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Lacey continued, “It’s all about negotiating over the Abbey equivalent of Siberia as to where Harry was going to be seated. In view of what has happened, it is hardly surprising; the book, the Oprah interviews, the Netflix documentaries, they were sustained attacks on the family itself and on the monarchy. And, especially, an attack on the new queen. For the king to offer an invitation in those circumstances was good-hearted and forgiving. But the Sussexes clearly weren’t offered enough.”

All About King Charles’ Coronation

So far Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have not made any comments about the matter. That said, sources had indicated that this is going to be quite a quick trip for the Duke of Sussex as he plans on going back home to California after the coronation as fast as possible.

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Dee

    I’d put money on Harry tucking tail and running back to his pitiful, beleaguered wife as soon as possible. And those two will put their own spin on the situation ie- Harry had to rush back to support his darling Meghan and their little prince and princess, or King Charles and Prince William made poor Harry so uncomfortable that he felt compelled to leave. Meghan is a coward. She’s had to have cheered Harry on as he trashed his family in his touching memoir(haha), but she ‘throws him to the wolves’ if the Sussexes narrative is to be believed. Very brave of Harry to go it alone though, without wifey clutching his arm and gazing with adoration and approval.