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Nigerians Feel Betrayed By Grifters Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Nigerians Feel Betrayed By Grifters Prince Harry and Meghan MarkleBritish royal family news shows that the Duke and Duchess of Excess, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, today wrapped up a three-day tour of globally challenged Nigeria.

During their time there they played polo-husband-and-wife, took selfies with confused school kids, and played chair volleyball in Abuja. Reports indicate that the greedy couple allowed (demanded?) that the government pay for their security costs.

Royal News – Meghan and Harry Treated Like Royalty

Going to Nigeria seems a curious choice for a couple of eco-hypocrites: reports indicate that in 2005 “Nigeria had the highest rate of deforestation in the world, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.”

Additionally, in 2010 “thousands of people were inadvertently exposed to lead-containing soil from informal gold mining within the northern state of Zamfara … upwards of 400 children died of acute lead poisoning … perhaps the largest lead poisoning fatality outbreak ever encountered.”

Yet Meghan and Harry were treated like the royalty they are not, attending a reception hosted by the Nigerian military’s chief of defense and meeting with WHO bigwig Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala; Meghan may or may not have told the woman where to stand in the group pic.

Royal News – Meghan is 43% Nigerian

The Markle’s ludicrous tour was roasted on TalkTV by royal pundit Alex Phillips and Tonye Inoriebo, secretary general of the National Youth Alliance in Nigeria.

Phillips started off by saying that the visit was “nothing more than an effort to drum up support and get content for their next Netflix project … a quasi-royal tour of Nigeria.”

And in case you didn’t know, beforehand Meghan “did a genealogy test and looked into her heritage.” Is it a coincidence that the former basic cable actress now claims to be 43% Nigerian?

Royal News – Harry And Meghan’s Quasi-Royal Tour of Nigeria

Phillips called the trip out for what it was: “Obviously this is a huge PR exercise for the couple as they try and regain popularity.”

She went on to ask Ngozi how the Nigerian citizens “feel about this or the photographs or the videos online show, beaming smiles as a red carpet being rolled out, dancing happiness, hugging. They were even welcomed at one event as the princess and the prince she’s not allowed to call herself the princess.”

The Secretary General of the National Youth Alliance of Nigeria was asked if “everybody in Nigeria” welcomed the Gruesome Twosome and not surprisingly she said a lot of my areas they went to bed last night … starving.”

She went on to describe the California ghouls as a “wealthy privileged young couple from California … because Meghan’s done a genealogy test and they’re making a Netflix documentary.”

Yes, the Markles really are that shameless, with Meghan crowing that she owns Nigeria. She also claimed on Sunday, Mother’s Day, that she loves being a mom.

Only problem with that is that her alleged kids were nowhere to be seen, left at home again while the Hollywood clowns paraded themselves for bucks.

If this is the cost of their “financial freedom” we can’t wait for Archie’s memoir to come out in a couple of decades. It should make Spare look like positively Disney-esque.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Photo by – Deposit Photos

  1. Patricia says

    Prince Harry needs to take his children and himself, back to England. He should have left his gold digging wife in Nigeria. She is really bringing him down. She only cares about herself.

  2. Debby says

    Your writing is correct on how Megan treats people, & she does indeed do all those things. She’s a fake & phoney.

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