Now Meghan Markle Boasts About Giving Her Dad Money

Isn’t it every actress’s dream to have her story played out on a worldwide stage? That her life is now known to millions should make A-list striver Meghan Markle happy but alas, this tale is a sordid case of he said, she said, not exactly the way the fairytale was supposed to end.

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Then again, the fairytale was slashed by her own hand wasn’t it, with a kick in the face move known as Megxit.

The salacious story of the behind the scenes goings-on of Meghan’s life has come to this: she and her father arguing over money in public.

The latest chapter in Me-Gain’s story is inspired by her own legal documents filed in a lawsuit against a UK tabloid. In new documents related to her lawsuit against the Mail on Sunday, Meghan denies her father Thomas Markle’s claim that she never slipped him a few bucks.

Has Meghan Ever Offered Her Dad Financial Support?

Thomas Markle alleged that Meghan has never offered him financial support, in spite of the fact that he paid for her extravagant Hollywood high school and took out loans to pay for her pricey college tuition.

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In her documents, she counteracts his words by saying she made “voluntary contributions” to her father after her star ignited due to a role in the series Suits.

Meghan Asserted In Legal Documents That She Made Financial Contributions To Her Father

According to The Mirror, Meghan’s legal docs state, “In any event, it is admitted and has never been denied that the Claimant’s father supported her throughout her childhood and as a young adult. Mr. Markle did not pay for all of the Claimant’s college tuition. The Claimant’s mother also contributed towards her university costs.”

The documents also state that Meghan earned income from a student job, “thus personally contributing to her tuition as well.”

The docs also acknowledge that Thomas Markle took out a loan for Meghan’s college education. She attended Northwestern University.

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Meghan and her father are going through a tawdry game of who paid for what when, at a time when she is making bold claims about investing herself in the role of saving the world from itself.

If she is so generous and kind-hearted as to dedicate herself to helping absolute strangers improve their lot in life, why isn’t she showing the same consideration to her own father? Dragging the man through the mud publicly is unseemly and crass coming from one who purports to be interested in the welfare of mankind—she obviously hasn’t heard the mantra that generosity starts at home.

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Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Guest

    who the fuck cares? Clearly Samantha Markle. Thomas gave money to his daughter for college . She gave money to her father for hookers and blow. Pretty even I would say.