Omid Scobie’s Book Might TRASH Meghan Markle’s Career

Omid Scobie’s book might ‘trash’ Meghan Markle’s career. In fact, everything that she’s worked for might be gone with a drop of a hat as the race row that Omid has once again reignited might make potential clients not want to work with the Duchess of Sussex ever again. Here’s what you need to know.

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Omid Scobie’s Book Might ‘Trash’ Meghan Markle’s Career

The Dutch translation of Endgame outed the two people of the royal family who supposedly had ‘concerns’ about the skin color of Harry and Meghan’s unborn child.

The Duchess of Sussex wrote a letter to King Charles about it and no one knew who the ‘royal racists’ were until now. Could this all be Omid’s fault?

Omid Scobie’s Book Might TRASH Meghan Markle’s Career

According to Express, one source close to the situation put it this way, There are potential deals on the table for Meghan that could just as quickly vanish if this continues.

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Aside from the race row, even the American public is growing weary of mean-spirited and downright cruel attacks on the Princess Kate. Whether or not Meghan and Harry were the sources of these, people will simply assume they were because of their past connections with Mr. Scobie.”

What’s Next For Meghan Markle?

The insider continued, “Unless they immediately distance themselves from him and denounce his book as either untrue or reported out of context, then they must expect to be a part of the backlash against it.

If they aren’t seen to distance themselves from him, a string of deals being negotiated for Meghan as well as their production company Archewell could all come undone at the drop of a hat.”

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It goes without saying that many royal critics have had a lot to say about the matter on social media.

Some have even commented with,Harry was a happy-go-lucky young man before he met her. Nowadays he looks miserable. They have burned way too many bridges. They made the bed, now they have to lay in it,” along with, “It has been more than 24-hours since the release of this horrifying book of Scobie’s and not one word from the Sussex Camp. Harry & MM are in a world of trouble, so deeply they won’t get out of this one.”

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. 

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  • K.Lee

    I find you people disgusting You will find any reason too bad mouth Harry and Megan both without provocation with provocation for any reason good or bad What did you It doesn’t matter personally I think most of the stuff coming from these sources are palace rats that don’t know freaking thing but want to run their cake holes just to drive Megan away from Harry and if Harry still isn’t back into the fold Is it possible that he feels what they did was so bad that he can’t bring himself to even come back except to support his father in small ways because that is his father that is nothing more than a figurehead anyway get rid of the flipping monarchy I’m getting tired of seeing all this crap slung at too and about Harry and Megan and I’m sorry but if I were Harry I would find difficult to be part of that family because of Cowmilla the Tramp that never even gave Charles and Diana’s marriage a chance without her being in the middle I’m sorry but I can understand how he has hard feelings towards her and I’m sure he understands and gets the fact that even if she wouldn’t have been in the middle of his mother and Dad’s marriage that they would have ended up parting company because Charles has never been a good a very good person so how could he be a good father of any sort and why not start picking apart how William and Catherine keep slinging their own arrows will you need to grow up as well and so does Catherine they all need to grow up and that’s the thing everybody needs to grow up but everybody keeps picking at Harry and Megan I’m not saying everything they did was right I’m not saying everything they did was wrong either they must have had valid reasons for feeling the way they did and leaving the way they did so why not stop with the suppositions the innuendos the nasty snide comments and let this family alone to deal with this without public opinion making matters worse you bloody nasty pieces of work