Piers Morgan Calls Out Meghan Markle On Her Political Double Standard

Meghan Markle is talking about complicity, so did she do the right thing finally and call herself out for colluding with her fiendishly tattletale bio Finding Freedom? Do pigs fly?

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Of course, they don’t, and it’s said you can put lipstick on an oinker and it’s still not beef. Nope, Meghan was doing what she does best, shaming others and throwing them under the bus. She bellyached to America that, “if you aren’t going out there and voting, then you’re complicit.”

Should Harry and Meghan Markle be stripped of their royal titles?

Proving that she is a top-notch multitasker, she managed to put her foot into it not just once but twice. That’s because according to talk show host and columnist Piers Morgan (one of those Meghan kicked to the crib quite publicly when he disagreed with her) the actress made a “brazenly partisan” move in regard to the US presidential election.

Not only that but she also was referred to as “Duchess.” The event was hosted by When All Women Vote and was aimed at increasing female voters at the upcoming election.

Morgan tweeted, “The Queen must strip the Sussexes of their titles. They can’t remain as royals & spout off about foreign elections in such a brazenly partisan way.”

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Is Piers Morgan right about how the Markle’s continue to spout off?

There is an expectation and an unwritten rule that members of the royal family remain neutral in elections both in the UK and abroad. In other words, they don’t endorse candidates, and they don’t badmouth candidates which Meghan has done, calling President Trump misogynistic.

During her proclamation Meghan also sniped about, “attempts of voter suppression,” continuing the theme of her bio in which she and Harry seem to think that the world is actively plotting against them, naming their perps “vipers.” Yes, the book is listed as non-fiction.

She continued on, “When I think about voting and why this is so exceptionally important for all of us, I would frame it as, we vote to honor those who came before us and to protect those who will come after us. We’re only 75 days away from election day and that is so very close, and yet there’s so much work to be done in that amount of time because we all know what’s at stake this year.”

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“And we look at the attempts of voter suppression and what that’s doing, all the more reason we need each of you to be out there supporting each other to understand that this fight is worth fighting and we all have to be out there mobilizing to have our voices heard.” Indeed. One would think she is practicing to run for office one day herself?

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  • Guest

    Her two faces are perfect for politics.