Piers Morgan Slams Meghan Markle In Scathing New Report

It looks like Piers Morgan is no fan of the Duchess of Sussex. As a matter of fact, the controversial British television personality has slammed Meghan Markle in more ways than one in a scathing new report that has been published by the Daily Mail. Piers says that Prince Harry’s wife apparently ‘ghosted’ him, which means that she cut off all lines of communication with him. To make matters worse, she gave him zero warning, which has left him not only confused, but also pretty upset.

AMP in the post

In his new lengthy post for the Daily Mail, Piers Morgan describes how he first met Meghan Markle – via Twitter – and arranged to see her for a few drinks at one of his favorite pubs near Kensington Palace back in 2016. This was not only the first time that they met in person, but it also happened to be the first time she met Prince Harry, too. Piers claims that after that night Meghan supposedly ‘ghosted’ him and that he never heard from her again.

The Good Morning Britain co-host claims that the moment Meghan began dating Prince Harry, things had changed between them. As a matter of fact, he even goes as far as to call Meghan “rude,” and makes the claim that Meghan allegedly only used him until someone else more important came along – Prince Harry.

Piers writes, “But when someone more important and influential came along, in the shape of Prince Harry, I was instantly dumped like a sack of spuds. And frankly, who am I, a former tabloid newspaper editor, to take a dim view of such ruthless antics?”

Piers also calls the Duchess a “self-obsessed professional actress who has landed the role of her life and is determined to milk it for all she’s worth.”

AMP in the post

So far neither Prince Harry nor Meghan Markle have made any comments about Piers Morgan’s claims. Keep up with Celebrating the Soaps for all the latest news on the royal family right here.

Camilla Parker BowlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePaul BurrellPrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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    I honestly can say I’m not surprised.
    This seems to be a running theme with her and everyone she meets

    • Guest

      When was the last time someone asked you out?

    • Guest

      Now, now, let’s not be nasty!

    • Guest

      …..or so the tabloids tell us.

    • PENNIE P

      You… You mean… The Tabloids are not a reliable source of news!! Poor Piers! Oh, My! (LOL)

  • Tami Baldon

    Met for a few drinks and what? Don’t be pissy cause Meghan had good taste and wasn’t interested in you!!! Get over it.

  • Guest

    Since I do not know either Piers Morgan or Meghan, it is very difficult to make a determination about their so-called past “relationship.” However, Mr. Morgan writes tabloid fodder for a living, so why would his story about Meghan be anything but the same? The tabloid writers are having a field day with Meghan because she’s the new kid on the block and because she’s bi-racial — pure and simple. They are sharpening their pencils AND their claws. No matter what she does or does not do, it will never be satisfactory to some column writers and commenters. I hope Meghan and Harry both have the ability to tune out all of the “sound and fury signifying nothing.”