Prince Harry Defended ‘Megxit’ During Event Alone – Meghan Markle Dropped Out At the Last Minute

The latest Royals news reveals Prince Harry was left to defend his decision all by himself. His wife, Meghan Markle was supposed to stand by his side as they explained “Megxit,” but she backed out at the last minute. Keep reading to get all the details about this story.

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Sentebale Charity Event

Last week, 35-year-old Harry attended the Sentebale charity event in London. He explained that he and Meghan were left with no other option than to step down from their positions within the Royal Family. It was an event that Meghan was supposed to stand with her husband, but he was left standing all alone.

Facing the World Alone

The “Megxit” decision has received a lot of criticism. This was their chance to tell the world why it was such an important decision and what it meant to their family. However, the Talk of the Town column claims that Meghan abandoned her husband at one of the most important times of his life.

“It was always billed as a Meghan and Harry event behind the scenes – with hopes the Duchess might speak or play a part in the speech. All of a sudden we were told Meghan wasn’t going to be making an appearance after all, let alone making the speech”

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Double Sussex Appearance Leads to Disappointment

Apparently, the public was quite excited over the “double Sussex” appearance, especially since this is considered to be a royal historic moment. However, it was oversold and a fountain was taken out in order to make room for more tables. While Harry attended this event, Meghan stayed in Canada with baby Archie.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Decision

It has been stated that the reason for Harry and Meghan’s decision is that they crave independence in every sense of the word. Not only do they want financial independence, but they want to be free of the restraints and demands the Royal life puts on them. To see how this is going to affect them in the future, as well as the Royal Family, all we can do is take a wait and see approach.

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Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Prince Harry right now. Come back here often for Royals news, updates and rumors!

Camilla Parker BowlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePaul BurrellPrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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