Prince Andrew Stripped Of Military Titles – Will He Lose All His Medals?
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Prince Andrew is accused by Virginia Giuffre of having sexual relations with her as a minor. She claims that she was a victim of trafficking by convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. More recently, Ghislaine Maxwell was also found guilty. Now the news comes that Queen Elizabeth stripped her son of his Royal and military titles, will he lose the medal he earned in the Falklands War?
Prince Andrew – Pressure To Strip Him Of Titles
The case, which is still pending is as yet unresolved. However, Andrew put his family in a very difficult position through his association with Jeffrey Epstein. As rumors emerge of a possible cash settlement, that certainly won’t help to fix the tarnish on the reputation of the Royal Family or the military. After all, as a military man, it would appear that he showed a severe lack of judgment. In the past, potentially, he might have been stripped of all his honors and cashiered in a formal ceremony.
Leaks revealed that insiders wanted Prince Andrew to have all his titles removed. In fact, he already no longer represents the queen. Additionally, his mom’s not at all interested in helping to fund his legal fees or any settlement. Naturally, even if she wants to, probably, the perceptions of the public would prevent that. Right now, she seems to fight hard to even justify the Royal Family as a necessity to the British public. Reports also emerged that as Andrew is the colonel-in-chief of nine military regiments, senior officials in the military felt it would be impossible for him to retain his honorary titles.
Prince Andrew Stripped Of HRH and Military Titles
On January 13, The Sun reported that the former favorite arrived in front of the queen after he was formally summonsed. There, he heard the news that he was now very much just another Joe Citizen. While reporters described him as “ashen,” it could hardly have come as a major surprise. Surely, with his previous military service, he should be aware that behavior that brings disrepute to the armed services is frowned upon?
Prince Andrew seems to have fallen out of favor with Queen Elisabeth. Once the favored son, she really stands stuck in the middle of a torrid situation. Well, on social media, people wonder if, as he lost his honorary medals, he will also the medals he earned during active service. well, according to The Daily Mail, of all those pretty ribbons and gongs that he wears, only one was actually awarded for his service. So, will he lose that one as well?
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— SOS/CTS/HH (@SoapOperaSpy) January 10, 2022
Losing His Medal For Service?
On Twitter, folks discussed Prince Andrew and his military medals. One of them argued that he might keep his service medal. They wrote, “They’re stripping him of the honorary titles and charities only, not medals he won himself as an individual.” Of course, that is what the news reports sound like. But, as another person noted, “If any serving officer that behaved as Andy has would have been cashiered.”

Perhaps, depending on the outcome of the trial of Andrew, he might yet be cashiered out of the military.
Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the Royal Family right now. Come back here often for more news and updates about Prince Andrew.
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ANDY), Should Loose
Everything He Never
Earned, He Only Got
Most Of Those Metals
& Ribbons For Being
& Like His Older Brother
Before Him Showed No
Restraint Or Descretion,
Just The Lack Of It. When
Choosing To Do The Right
Thing Andy Chose To Be A
SKANK, & Was The BFF Of
PIMP, & Brought Shame
To The Rest Of His Family, Just Like CHARLES Did
With His Affair With A
Married Woman, The
Seem To Be Just An
Example Of "BOYS
FAMILY, Raised Not By
Thier Parents But By
A Bunch Of NANNY'S,
Addressing Thier Kids
Issues, No Wonder
HARRY Walked Away,
Just Surprised He
Didn't Do It Sooner.
Ahhh.. I'm going to have to disagree with you on that point.
He should be granted a FAIR trial before he's punished of any wrong doing. If found GUILTY, then they should act accordingly and strip him of Titles, etc.
Look, what if someone accused YOU of drunk driving 20 years ago and you are stripped of your license and made to attend classes for DUI. (because they have a picture of you in the car and they're sitting beside you)???
And furthermore, what on Earth does Charles /Diana have to do with Prince Andrew and his current circumstances?
About time!!!
Stepping away from duties and responsibilities is decent thing to do if you have brought disgrace to a responsible position. If nothing else I can appreciate that he at least has the decency to do that. Sadly now in many of our democratic countries, UK, USA and Canada the Priministers and Presidents think they are beyond respect for their roles and duties to their citizens and despite being caught doing unscrupulous wrong doings they don't have the decency to acknowledge they should not be representing their countries or people. Its seems a sickening growing trend for our so called leaders to feel we should do as they say whilst they do as they like, insulting the people they serve in the process. At least Andrew, possibly with the influence of the Queen and his family has had the decency to acknowledge that people in positions of authority need to resign when found to be dishonouring their position. I can think of a few more who would do well to step aside.