Royal Family News: Prince Charles Told NO WAY On Eco-Home Development Plans

British royal family news teases that the residents of Kent have told Prince Charles in no uncertain terms: NIMBY. Charles is not used to being told no, so it remains a mystery as to what he does next, save the planet or respect the wishes of private citizens.

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Royal Family New -: Prince Charles Is An Eco Warrior

Prince Charles wants to build thousands (2,500) of brand new shiny, “eco-homes on an area of Kent farmland, residents say,” according to the Daily Mail. Nearby residents are now in an “uprising” over the beneficent dictator’s, erm, future king’s plans.

Apparently Charles’ Duchy of Cornwall estate wants to build ecologically happy homes, “which will be powered entirely by renewable energy – on the outskirts of Faversham in Kent.”

“Bosses behind the estate argue the scheme ‘follows the Prince’s vision’ to deliver the ‘most sustainable’ homes possible, and will address a housing crisis in the medieval market town.”

Royal Family News – Prince Charles Wants To Have His Way

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According to the outlet, the locals, “have opposed the blueprints.” Why would they reject such a plan? “They have raised fears that the eco-development will clog up roads and endanger wildlife.” If that’s the case, it sounds as if Charles didn’t think though his pet project?

The outlet states that Charles, “faces a ‘significant local uprising’ over the proposals.”

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But wait, there’s more! “The plans have hit a setback following a legal row between the planning authority and a local developer who protested the scheme.” It appears as though the decision to ravage the land with thousands of homes may be out of Charles’ control.

According to the Daily Mail, locals believe that, “The fallout from the legal wrangle, which recently reached the High Court, could hold up the Prince’s proposals for more than a year.”

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The ruckus involves a legal challenge against Swale Borough Council by Quinn Estates, a developer which does not agree with Charles’ has plans.

The developer contends that the Prince did not properly consult the public about his plans to change their rural landscape. My, my, has Charles let his regal status go to his head, forcing ahead his wishes and desires with nary a care for the people? Not a good look for the man who is already facing calls that he never take the throne and instead let his son Prince William ascend instead.

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