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Prince George Feels Terrified Of Meghan Markle

Prince George Feels Terrified Of Meghan MarkleHe might have only seen her in his short life a handful of times, but it’s what the world along with all the adults in his life have to say about her that has him feeling terrified.

Royal Family News – Prince George Feels Terrified Of Meghan Markle

There’s some speculation on social media that suggests little Prince George, who probably really doesn’t know much about the real Meghan Markle, has heard enough about her that he probably never wants to be in the same room as his American aunt. And for Prince Harry, that is incredibly concerning.

It’s safe to say that Prince Harry is old enough that he understands what the other adults are talking about whenever he’s in the same vicinity as them.

And for the last several years, the number one topic just happens to be about the Duchess of Sussex and all of the damage that she’s done between Prince Harry, herself, and the rest of the royal family.

Royal Family News – What Does Prince George Know About Meghan Markle?

In fact, Prince William and Kate Middleton have made it pretty clear that they never want to see Meghan again, let alone speak to her.

King Charles and Queen Camilla have also made it no secret that Meghan Markle has become persona non grata at Buckingham Palace.

And all you have to do is open a tabloid paper or read about all the hate that Meghan has gotten in the UK to know that she will probably never step foot on UK soil again.

For Prince George, he’s old enough to know what is going on around him but at the same time, not old enough to know the entire story.

Just like the rest of the royals, he would probably like to see Meghan Markle stay in California, even if that means he never gets to see his cousins, Archie and Lilibet.

So far Prince William and Kate Middleton themselves have not made any comments about the matter although at this point it’s doubtful that they would say anything.

In the meantime, let us know what you think of this story by living us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.

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Editorial credit: Lwsi Cox /

1 Comment
  1. Judy says

    Even the rulers of UK act like 3 year olds. Just ridiculous, where are all the adults in the world

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