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Prince Harry ALWAYS Moaning Makes Prince William And Kate’s Lives ‘Difficult’!

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have become known for constantly complaining. But their incessant whining since quitting their royal family duties has made life difficult for Kate Middleton and Prince William.

And a new report reveals just how annoying all of the Duchess and Duke of Sussex’s moans have become for Princess Kate and Prince William. Should Meghan and Harry get their titles changed to the Lady And Lord Of Laments? Find out below.

Prince Harry Makes Life Difficult For William

Pity Prince William and Kate Middleton. Devoted to their marriage, their three children, and royal duties, the couple already managed a full plate of challenges.

But then William’s younger brother Prince Harry rushed into a romance with Meghan Markle. And even before the American actress tied the knot with Harry, William tried to warn him about Meghan

Prince Harry ALWAYS Moaning Makes Prince William And Kate’s Lives ‘Difficult’!

However, the red-headed rebel dashed onward, feeling like a hero in a romance novel as he made Meghan his bride. But oops. After discovering that the spotlight didn’t shine on her as brightly as she hoped, Meghan got Harry to step down from their royal family duties. And ever since the Duchess and Duke of Sussex quit in the 2020 “Megxit” scandal, the couple has complained.

But royal experts via OK noted that the publicity surrounding Meghan’s and Harry’s issues with the royal family have burdened Kate and William. “Oh it’s been a difficult couple of years really to be perfectly honest. But this last few months, it’s been particularly difficult for [Kate and Willam] given what Harry and Meghan continually do with their moaning about things and their life,” commented Charles Rae. 

Meghan Markle Mocked For Luxurious Lifestyle Laments

And Rae observed that Harry and Meghan profited from painting William and Kate in a negative way. As a result, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex received the publicity that they adore. But Rae mocked Meghan and Harry for complaining about their luxurious lifestyle.

And he noted sarcastically, “I mean it’s awful for [Harry and Meghan] in their £11m home with their £100m Netflix contract. So it’s really hard for them at this time of year particularly,” Rae mocked.

Meanwhile, Harry keeps battling the Home Office for security when he visits the U.K. And Rae pointed out that the Duke of Sussex continually makes “this ludicrous argument in my opinion that he cannot bring Lilibet and Archie and Meghan back to the U.K. because it’s far too dangerous. Well actually Harry, you actually live in probably one of the most criminally dangerous countries in the world,” added Rae. “And you know it’s a ridiculous argument in my view.”

Prince Harry Claims Royal Family Forced Exit

However, the Duke of Sussex put a new twist on his saga amid his witness statement. And even though Harry and Meghan chose to quit their senior royal duties and move from the UK to their California mansion, Harry now claims that the two felt pushed. 

“It was with great sadness for both of us that my wife and I felt forced to step back from this role and leave the country in 2020. The U.K. is my home,” asserted the Duke of Sussex. And he called the U.K. “central to the heritage of my children.” But Harry also vowed that he wants his children to see the U.K. as a place where they “feel at home as much as where they live at the moment in the U.S.,” he added.

Tell us what you think. How do you feel about Meghan and Harry constantly complaining? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

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  1. Kaiema Harvey says

    I’m not surprised. England owned most of Africa for over 50 years. Left Africans like they found them ,hungry, poor, and without hope. That also includes Black & Brown people in England, so it is expected that they would treat Megan no better. The whole world is watching. And the whole world knows the truth. Rich and spoiled Racist might change for the better one day. It is what I hope for.

  2. Kaiema Harvey says

    Say what you will. But what has the Royals done for Black, Brown, and Yellow people in England in the last 50 years. Except discriminate in jobs, housing, education, socialization, and Evan in the church. The whole world is watching and one day the whole world is going to do something about it too. Because it is obvious that the royals is not about to do anything but complain in their golden atmosphere.

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