Prince Harry And Meghan Blacklist UK Newspapers, Resent Being Used As Clickbait

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are no strangers to negative news stories. Taking action against four UK newspapers, the couple blacklisted the publications. Then, they wrote a scathing letter to the editors accusing them of publishing distorted and invasive reports.

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Meghan Markle’s Negative Press

Ever since Meghan married Prince Harry, the press has not painted a very pretty picture of her. There are plenty of theories about the reason, but “Megxit” hasn’t stopped media outlets from publishing negative reports about the couple. A few months ago, Meghan was in the process of suing one UK newspaper and now she’s firing back once again.

Blacklisting UK Newspapers

According to Yahoo! News, Harry, and Meghan have blacklisted four British newspapers. They claim that Express, Daily Mail, Mirror, and the Sun publish reports that are distorted and “invasive beyond belief.” In a letter to the editors of those publications, Harry and Meghan said there would be “no corroboration and zero engagement,” The Guardian reported.

Royals News – Distorted And Invasive Stories

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Harry and Meghan’s scathing letter stated that they were not trying to avoid criticism. Their decision to blacklist certain publications was reportedly due to inaccurate reporting and distorted news stories. The couple also doesn’t appreciate being used as clickbait.

“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have watched people they know — as well as complete strangers — have their lives completely pulled apart for no good reason, other than the fact that salacious gossip boosts advertising revenue.”

Publication Calls Move An Attack On The Media

After Harry and Meghan stepped down from their royal duties and moved out of the country, the media had all different slants to the story. Many reporters viewed the couple’s decision negatively and relayed that in news articles. Harry and Meghan were not happy with how they were being portrayed. It created hostility with some newspapers.

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As for Harry and Meghan’s latest move, The Guardian called it an “unprecedented attack on a large part of the media.” Piers Morgan also chimed in and blasted the couple on Twitter. The former editor of the Mirror wrote, “Imagine thinking anyone cares about their hurt little me-me-me egos as health workers around the world are dying at work? What a pair of repulsive, deluded narcissistic tools.”

What do you think of Harry and Meghan blacklisting certain UK newspapers? Do you agree with their decision? Or is being “used as clickbait” part of the territory when one is in the public eye?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle right now. Come back here often for Royals news, and updates.

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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