Prince Harry And Meghan Blasted For Being Bad Parents To Archie And Lilibet

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are doing their best to be the most hands-on parents that they can be, but for some people, it might not be enough.

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That’s because the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are being blasted for separating their children Archie and Lilibet from their families.

As many royal fans know by now, Meghan is estranged from her father Thomas Markle while Prince Harry doesn’t have much of a relationship with any of the royal family members back in the UK, either. Here’s what you need to know.

Harry And Meghan Blasted For Being Bad Parents To Archie And Lilibet

Are Harry and Meghan bad parents? That’s what a lot of royal fans and critics alike can’t help but question.

Ever since the Duke and Duchess of Sussex moved to California from the UK back in 2020, Archie and LIlibet only made one trip back to the UK and that was in 2022 for Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee that summer.

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Apparently, things aren’t going to get better between the Sussexes and the rest of the royal family until Harry gets the apology that he’s looking for. But for some critics, they have no idea why the royals should even apologize in the first place.

One source even said, It’s all about [Prince Harry], he doesn’t think about anybody else. He doesn’t think about what this has done to his father, what this has done to his brother, what this is doing to his two children who will grow up completely estranged from their British family, which maybe that’s the right thing, I don’t know.”

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The tipster added, “Imagine if you get to the age of 12 and then you suddenly realize you’re the grandson of the King of England and you’ve never been allowed to meet him because your father’s had some absurd persecution complex for most of your life and recording strange birthday videos.”

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Prince Harry has not made any comments about the criticism.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, We’ve got you covered.

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Cathy

    Here’s the problem. Harry has deep seated losses of his mother, and had to watch his father cheat on her all of those years, then accept the adulterous new wife who is now the Queen Consort. Harry was a deeply emotional child that couldn’t sweep those things under the rug as well as his brother could. Now with Megan having her claws into him he is letting her lead the show, a master manipulator, that only cares about her. He needs counseling to work through his tragedies. To set his life straight.

  • Marlene

    Harry should accept he betrayed his royal family and his children will suffer from what he did so much damaged he had done and Meghan’s influence so bad and Harry should think about his childrens future this time and he should be firm

  • noellastober

    Harry should grow up and worry about his children and what all this bs is and will be causing them Stop being self centered and become the man you are suppose to be Your wife should do the same and be the mother she is suppose to be Maybe they have been best suited for each other because they are both persecuted people in their own minds. This is totally unnatural for all Two selfish people who cannot get their act together on any level Simple solution Get divorced with each parent having equal time, no matter where they live, live by your means and not to impress the world in all you do not have. Live in y our means like the rest of the people in the world have to do, work hard for you money but most of all, teach your children right from wrong and bring them around family Two selfish people constantly teaching your children nothing good about your extended families, that is who you are and stop complaining to the rest of us in the world. We all have our crosses to bear and you do not hear us cry on a pity pot. Get over it and move on, in other words…GROW UP

  • Becky

    It’s not just about keeping the kids estranged from both sides of the family that make them bad parents. It’s also how Harry and Meghan are flying all over the place showing up at odd places and the kids are never with them. So basically they are pretty much estranged from them for the most part. No wonder people don’t believe they have custody of these kids or if they are even their kids. Very strange.