Prince Harry and Meghan Cry Over King Charles’ Birthday Snub

British royal family news shows that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are popping off against his family after weeks of merciful silence.

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According to their spokesperson they were not invited to King Charles’ 75th birthday bash. Wah wah.

There’s still time to demand an invite however, as King Charles turns 75 on, Tuesday, November 14. It’s reported that he plans to celebrate with his closest friends and family at Clarence House (which by definition excludes the Markles).

Royal Family News – Harry & Meghan Rejected?

In yet another he said-she said war of word, “The Sunday Times reported that Prince Harry turned down an invitation to the birthday bash, and instead will stay in California. But a spokesperson for the couple told MailOnline that the couple were not ever contacted about the celebrations in the first place.”

A Sussexes told insider told MailOnline “There has been no contact regarding an invitation to His Majesty’s upcoming birthday. It is disappointing the Sunday Times has misreported this story.” Scooby Doo, is that you?

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The source sniffed of the Markle: “They had not received any invitation and were unaware of any celebrations until the stories came out.” Maybe that’s because they’re too busy using the private jet to see Katy Perry in Vegas?

The chatty source “added that the Sussexes would normally have been included in plans for significant events, despite the widening gap between themselves and the rest of the royal family. In this case, they aren’t and that’s okay. I’m sure the Duke will find a way to reach out privately to wish His Majesty a happy birthday like he always done.”

Royals News – Harry Mad About Exclusion For Charles’ Birthday?

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The non-invite comes after three years of Harry and Meghan trash talking his family, including the infamous Oprah interview.

If he was excluded from the invite list, Harry should not be surprised since the Royal Family publicly ignored him on his birthday in September.

An insider told The Telegraph that Harry the Duke of Sussex did not hear from Prince William nor his King Charles on his birthday. And that kids, is what is called karma. Don’t try this at home.

Posters were not sympathetic to the Sussex’s latest whine with one labeling them “Irrelevant fools and another asking “I find this hard to believe. They were invited to Christmas. They were invited to the coronation. Why would they not be invited to the King’s birthday?”

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King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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