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Prince Harry and Meghan Fear A New Documentary Will Expose Their Nasty Pasts

Prince Harry and Meghan Fear A New Documentary Will Expose Their Nasty PastsBritish royal family news divulges that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are worried about an upcoming documentary about them, which sounds like a frivolous Montecito lawsuit in the making to us.

The Duke and Duchess of Excess just completed their wild Nigerian Riviera Tour and now must deal with the specter of a German-made film that could expose all the muck and mold from their past lives.

Before the couple married in 2018, she was a basic cable actress he a naked Vegas pool boy. Surely there is dirt to uncover, no?

Royal Family News – Meghan And Harry Afraid of New Film

An inside source told OK! magazine: “There are many things that both of them, especially Meghan, don’t necessarily want in the public domain. It’s no secret that they both led colourful lives before they met each other, and while Harry has spoken about a lot of mistakes in his book, there are still things about Meghan we don’t know.”

The source thinks that this deeply buried dirt could make Meghan’s rocky relations with her in-law even worse, given what could come out about her past which includes another husband, vamping on a game show, and running a wine-themed blog.

Royal Family News – Will Harry And Meghan Be Exposed?

If the source is to be believed, the Harkles are desperate to leave their pasts buried. The insider claims that Harry could see a much different side of Meghan if hidden secrets come to light.

Meanwhile, while the Gruesome Twosome played dress up in Nigeria, King Charles and Princess Catherine remained dignified in their silence as they continue grueling cancer treatments.

Harry was in London May 8 for an Invictus Games event and he did not meet with any member of his family nor did he stay overnight at a royal residence.

Royal News – Harry Could See Meghan In A New Light

An insider told the Mirror that the king does not need any of Harry’s drama while he recuperates.

They stated: “Harry’s made his bed. I’m an advocate for protecting your peace, and if this young man is bringing the drama, then good on King Charles for giving him the space he needs to grow. King Charles just wants to have his peace in his Twilight years. He doesn’t want to argue.”

Harry and Meghan now reside in Montecito, California and she has just launched a company in order to sell kick knacks including homemade jam.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: lev radin /

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