Prince Harry And Meghan Left The UK For This Reason

If you can’t beat them and you certainly don’t want to join them, the best thing you can do is leave them. And that’s exactly what Prince Harry and Meghan Markle did as there’s new speculation that suggests they left their royal lives in London behind in order to protect their two children, Archie and Lilibet.

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Apparently, they knew the press would be ruthless with them. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News: Harry And Meghan Left The UK To Protect Their Children For This Reason

Many royal fans and critics alike have pointed out that if Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would have stayed in the UK, then the media would have been publishing articles about how their children Archie and Lily were breaking royal toddler protocol just to distract from other pressing matters.

That, or bury reports about the state of Prince William and Kate Middleton’s marriage. But because Harry and Meghan packed their bags and moved to California, the British media are publishing articles about how they’ve lost their Spotify contract and how they might also be close to financial ruin.

It’s almost as if Harry and Meghan just can’t win but would rather be targeted than see their children bullied by the press.

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Of course, many royal fans have commented on the matter with, “Remember how they called Archie a brat before he was a year old? By now they’d have graduated him to worse names,” along with, “They would be printing articles about how Prince Archie made Prince Louis cry.”

Royal Family News: The Sussexes Won’t Return To The UK

Another critic wrote, “They would demonize A & L to protect Louis. But since they can’t and have to blame their own kids for them being late and distract from their drama at home.

Whilst trying to bury articles about the Queen saying the Sussexes were well behaved (something she may not be used to). The articles about how Meghan was ruining their upbringing with her American ideas and lack of protocol would be endless.”

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Tell us celebrity gossip fans, how do you feel about this story? Contribute to the buzz by dropping us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. Also, Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Mr Pics /

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Phyllis

    I have never heard such dribble from a journalist before! How Prince Louis would beat up Archie? They left to protect their children? Meghan left London because she was not married to the crown Prince! She could not bear that tall, elegant Catherine was more accomplished than the California girl who couldn’t get a job! Three years at university and all she was fit to do was calligraphy! She couldn’t even get a decent acting job,so she went to Canada to act in a cable television soap opera! People need to look closely at this woman who settled for Harry because the crown prince was taken! Harry was a wonderful person, a military veteran and universally loved until that person he married dragged him of to California and has single handedly reduced this Prince, war hero and much loved favourite of the Queen of England and turned him into a laughing stock, who wrote a questionable biography about the life and times of his Penis! Meghan coerced Harry into moving to the U SA because she knew his status would get her,that which she couldn’t accomplish herself!

  • Phyllis Smyth

    Which part of my comments should be moderated? I speak truth, not fiction! If you censor my writing because of errors that is fine but the accuracy is true! You need to stop censureship! This is not Nazi Germany circa 1939 nor Russia 2023! I am making valid points

  • Brenda

    I for one would not my children to be raised in.the royal way! Those children never get to be children they have their childhood robbed! Always having to act in so called proper ways it is so sad. And if higher up royals so choose stories of the children are blown up to make the child sound like a horror. As for blaming Megan being blamed for Harry leaving she did not do that as Harry has all his life since the passing of his mom, been made to feel less than. William has turned out to be an arrogant fool..Seems like even Catherain is getting tired of the egotistical Willie boy. Personally with Camilla now so called queen what I see in the future is the end of the royals, the end of the minarchy!!! I totally believe the Brits want their country back. And to elect their leaders!

  • D

    I have never heard such bs before that it sounds like a bedtime story from the Sussex camp. Lolol. Poor Sussex kids are so hated on and I have never ever read anything in print in regards to this mentality that it sounds like a M & H mental spin-off. Poor kids have to spend their lives growing up with that crap..