Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Are Acting Like ‘Spoilt Defiant Teenagers’

In a bombshell denouncement of Prince Harry, 35, and his wife Meghan Markle, 38, a royal biographer is calling it exactly as she sees it, and what she sees is scorched earth.

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Royal biographer Angela Levin has laid bare her opinion of how the couple handled their exit from royal life, otherwise known as Megxit.

It comes after the Duke and Duchess of Sussex shared their final post on the Sussex Royal Instagram account on Monday, humbly wishing all good things to the people.

A royal biographer thinks Harry is too big for his britches

Levin’s announcement comes just as Harry and Meghan have proclaimed their grand plans to begin a new chapter, away from the blinding and intrusive lights of foggy London, instead of sheltering in place in a cozy little freebie in the small, unpretentious town of Malibu.

The rumor is that the couple and 10-month-old son Archie are holed up in glitzy, uber-rich Malibu after fleeing the colder confines of Canada. There they also stayed rent-free on the Pacific Ocean, until the mean government said they wouldn’t pay for their un-royal protection and security.

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Fleeing like carpetbaggers in the night, the couple luckily escaped a hard border shutdown before finding themselves shelter in the land of the rich and famous. I do hope they found something suitable and within their means!

Are The Duke and Duchess of Sussex acting like spoilt, defiant teenagers?

Despite their sudden, necessary relocation, as well as today is their big day—Megxit—the couple found time to get out a message to their Instagram followers, pinky swearing to continue their charity work (behind the scenes), and sharing that they are so excited to now be able to focus on their new life’s chapter, as well as figuring out, “how to best contribute.” Whew, when do they find time to sleep?

Not everyone is a fan of these two, however. Someone who has had an inside glimpse to Harry’s life is calling foul on the couple’s carefully polished veneer.

Levin, told Tatler, “Their choice of priorities smacks more of spoilt defiant teenagers than adults in their mid and late thirties.”

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She continued, “I see a Harry who has turned sour, callous even and is obviously stressed. Although I barely recognise him I still believe that internally he is tearing himself into shreds about leaving his family, his country and his military connections.”

Indeed, Harry has gone on record about regretting having to stand down from his military duties, although we aren’t sure how he feels about abandoning his elderly father and grandmother, Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth, while they confront the harsh reality of dealing with coronavirus.

Levin added that she believed the couple would act, “gracious and dignified,” as they wrenched themselves away from the monarchy. As we all know now, that was a pipe dream.

First, the couple fled to Canada even before their official Megxit date and now it appears they have fled Canada for Southern California, reportedly Malibu. At this point, they resemble refuges more than anything.

Camilla Parker BowlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePaul BurrellPrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Sharon Geosits

    Yes, they are an embarrassment to their country! Everyone thought Markle was going to be the new “People’s Princess”, instead she’s the “People’s Disappointment”. She could NEVER fill Diana’s shoes. Diana was a sweetheart and Markle is a Bitch!

  • Guest

    Markle turned her back on her family. Only her Mom is still there – and most Mom’s would be. Now Harry has turned his back on his family. He is a wimp – he allowed Markle to separate him from his family. Markle also needs to remember she is not royalty so taking away the HRH was a no brainer.