Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Confirm The Ugly Truth

Sooner or later they were going to have to say something about the matter. British Royal News says that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have confirmed the ugly truth in that King Charles did evict them from Frogmore Cottage. New reports say that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have until this summer to vacate the home, which will be given to Prince Andrew instead. Here’s what you need to know.

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Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Confirm The Ugly Truth

According to Page Six, a rep for the Sussexes said, “We can confirm the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been requested to vacate their residence at Frogmore Cottage.”

This was a move in the making as King Charles apparently decided to give Harry and Meghan the book just one day after Harry’s book, Spare, hit bookshelves. In it, he basically throws every member of the royal family under the bus. In the book, Harry suggested that Charles was a father who was devoid of showing any emotion and that he often liked to joke that he also wasn’t Harry’s real father. As punishment, it seems like the King of England had no choice but to kick out Harry and Meghan from the only home that they’ve ever known in the UK. Should they ever return home, they would either have to stay with friends or worse, at a hotel.

Royal Family News – What’s Next For Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?

For Harry and Meghan, the move certainly feels like a kick in the teeth as Frogmore Cottage was the one place in the UK that they could feel like they were at home and more importantly, safe. Plus, Harry and Meghan have also said that they have so much of their personal belongings at Frogmore, too. That, and they would never have imagined for the home to go to Prince Andrew out of all people. Now that they don’t have Frogmore Cottage anymore, this will certainly make it hard for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to ever return to the UK.

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So far Buckingham Palace has not made any comments about the matter.

Tell us British Royal Family fans, how do you feel about this story? Contribute to the buzz by dropping us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. We’ll make sure to update you with all of the latest information about King Charles, Prince William, Kate M and the rest of the firm right here.

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • debbi O'Donohue

    King Charles, and his wife are totally unfit to be Royal anything. They are a embarrassment to the entire world. Princesses Diane tears are pouring down on the world. Prince William should be ashamed. But his greed will come to haunt him.

    • Richola

      Exactly. The British are the most disloyal, celebrity obsessed critical, hatefilled people on the planet. They somehow seem to think they have tge right to ruin Harry’s life from disregarding his service as his choice and needing help readjusting back to regular life is a walk in the park and he should just suck it up and stop looking for sympathy. What a hateful load of crap. How many of these hypocrites gave up 10 years of their lives for a country that clearly did not & still doesn’t see it as a sacrifice he didn’t have to make. Because he had “babysitters”?. Who goes to war SURROUNDED BY BABYSITTERS? HE wasnt in any danger! So Take away his titles, he doesn’t deserve them. He left his country. He married SOMEONE WE DONT LIKE and he chose her over us all on his own. We never got to approve or her. Since when do you have to approve of the woman he chose. You dont have to live with her. You have nothing to do with their lives or relationship. But you Constantly compared him to his self- entitled, sneaky older brother who somehow deserves a 20 room mansion, a new vehicle whenever. And the British think its just great. But his brother who he most certainly abused because no matter what he does will

      always forgiven as he may someday be King. All his children have titles and a place in line to the never attainable throne. This makes him invincible with keys to the literal Kingdom. He can be as vindictive as underhanded, as evil, as he wants and all is forgiven . He refused to allow Lilibet to be Baptized in the Family Church because she was born inAmerica. Nobody had a problem with breaking that tradition. But you can always find fault in Harry’s wanting a life away from everyone pulling, pushing, demanding he allow himself to continuously be stepped on told he’s not as bright as his older brother, William who feels he can decide everything Harry can do including attending Charles’s CORONATION! Where he is allowed to stay and since he coerced Charles into taking back Frogmore, he has to stay in a hotel without Security with two young children. William cannot even for a few minutes and in the cause of family unity be civil. Why because he could be nasty and feel vindicated for it.
      But Harry gets faulted for it. Harry shouldn’t have done this that or the other. You People keep saying Harry is jealous of William but it seems it’s the otherway round. Harry is an open, charismatic easily accessible people person. William is a snot-nosed spoil brat who has no loyalty to anyone and if he ever becomes King will really show his true colors. Wouldnt be surprised if he brought back putting people who disagrre with him in DUNGEONS ON BREAD & WATER. Or reinstitute beheading. Anything Harry said about him he had a right to say in defense of his family. Show some respect.

  • P Francis

    Bought and read SPARE. No one got thrown under the bus, Harry just spoke his truth as he lived it. He has all right to profit from his platform. And he had better trike while the iron is hot.
    Thanks for giving us some insight into your world. You are neither a spare nor a 2nd fiddle.

  • Mike

    I think it’s wrong that prince comes clean about his father and family how dirty they were and how they were treated and really bad that when the queen was alive none of it came out until she passed and Charles came king and wants to change things from how they were for many years he don’t deserve to be the king

  • Susan

    Harry and his wife have been very mean to the rest of the family. They left England and blamed everyone else, then went on TV and exposed dirty laundry. To top it off Harry wrote a book to tell family secrets. Royal or not, no family would like all their family secrets exposed!!! Markle isn’t close to her family and made sure that Harry doesn’t have his family either. They are both rude, immature people! They hey need to grow up so they can raise their family, and not use them to pay back both families!

  • Sharon

    Leave Meghan Markle and Prince Harry alone, y’all want to be so far up the couples Asses it’s ridiculous. Let them be who they are and be happy for them. Y’all’s just jealous it seems and want to interfere with theirs. Can’t people just let them be happy without all your nonsense bullshit.

  • Chris K.

    M and H are not very nice people, very self centered, out to grab anything they can. I would never want either one representing me or my country to the rest of the world!

  • Tania

    It’s crazy that family will kick family out of the only home they know. It’s sad to know some my family came from a country that treats family like that.