Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Forced To Downgrade

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are possibly being forced to downgrade. There’s a new report that suggests the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were looking at homes in the Malibu area this past weekend.

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One that seemed to have grabbed their attention was a waterfront property that is worth an estimated $8 million.

This would certainly be a downgrade from the $14 million mansion that they currently live in over in Montecito. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Forced To Downgrade

Are Prince Harry and Meghan Markle looking to make the move? That’s what some fans seem to believe.

There’s a possibility that they are looking to live closer to the Los Angeles area seeing how there are more work opportunities for them in and around Hollywood.

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Currently, they have to drive several hours back and forth from Montecito to Los Angeles. The commute can get quite difficult, especially if they have face-to-face meetings they have to attend.

Clearly, they also want to be closer to all of the action that is going on in the entertainment industry. 

Royal Family News: The Duke And Duchess Of Malibu

Not only that, but it’s also been suggested that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex might be having difficulty keeping up with their bills in Montecito, which is probably why they are looking to spend a little less on a home in Malibu.

As many fans know by now, Harry and Meghan have lost out on a couple of multi-million dollar contracts, which is probably why they are looking to cut back on their spending.

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That’s mostly because they don’t know what the future holds, either.

So far Harry and Meghan haven’t made any comments about the matter but it remains to be seen if they will move to Malibu.

And if they do, you better believe that the British media will coin them the new Duke and Duchess of Malibu, too.

Watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more royal drama to come..

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, Hollywood actors, and reality television stars. We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: ComposedPix /

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Lynn

    Just go away! You are both fake and we don’t want to hear your poor me boohoo attitude! You opened your lying mouth, not shut it

  • Betty

    It must be very degrading and embrassing for her to move to somethi much lower than her home in Santa Barbara. How will she spin this down grade “a Dutchess” living in substand housing. Why don t they just disappear, they flop on everything they do. How,many of those,photos of her and her so called celebrity friends were photo chopped,. Shes riding on her friends coat tail looking for star power that she no longer has. She has gotten ridiculous with her antics.

  • Rosie

    Obviously you are unfamiliar with property values in California. They could well be getting a larger property in Malibu vs Santa Barbara and actually be upgrading while getting closer to LA. Everything in California is expensive, a 2 bedroom 1 bath home easily can be over 1 million depending on where it’s located. The people writing these articles are definitely not well informed.

  • Dolly

    Meghan thought when she married Harry, a Prince and a money train. Then she wanted to leave the Royal family. The money train got cut off. Now she has to find her own money train. she isn’t doing so good. Harry marries Meghan and her visions of grandeur explode. Meghan was never a successful actress and Harry never had to earn a dime. They now have collided with reality.

  • Mary

    Downgrade???? Ha! Poor little rich kids. She will never be big in Hollywood. She is a lousy actress
    Marrying Harry wasn’t what she thought it would be. Now there is a pity train going. They made their bed.

  • Louise

    The property in Malibu is 8m for the land – 10m to build

  • Gayle

    What’s wrong with it cheaper place to live. Harry should get a. legitimate job and stop acting as a royal, which is not worth anything in California. And he should stop talking bad about his family. He says the balls in their court, I have news for him, it goes both ways.

  • Deborah

    I think it’s just a big PUBLICITY STUNT.