Prince Harry And Meghan Markle No Longer Welcomed By Montecito Neighbors

It looks like the honeymoon is over between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and their community of neighbors in Montecito.

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That’s because there’s a new report that suggests that a lot of people simply don’t respect Harry and Meghan in Montecito as they think that their lives are just one big soap opera thanks to their ongoing feud with the royal family back home in the UK. Here’s what you need to know.

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle No Longer Welcomed By Montecito Neighbors

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are not getting much love from their neighbors in California.

That’s because whenever anyone sees Harry and Meghan or hear their names, the first thing that they think of is royal drama.

The couple have spent the last several years throwing the royal family under the bus and it seems like everyone is just sick of it at this point.

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Along with their multiple interviews in which they talked about life behind closed palace doors, Prince Harry’s tell-all book Spare managed to rock the monarchy in more ways than one.

That’s because he exposed a lot of dirty little secrets about his family to the world. And well, some people in Montecito are just not impressed, nor are they impressed with his lifestyle in California either.

One local neighbor even told the Mirror in an interview, Harry and Meghan live down the street but in a considerably pricier spot, though nobody around here is exactly living in a cardboard box. Since we never see them, local tolerance seems to mirror USA tolerance in general.”

The insider also said, “People who like them seem to have an unlimited tolerance, no matter what they do, somehow tied to the ‘handsome prince falls for commoner’ fairytale. Everyone else is either unimpressed by the traveling soap opera or is just sick of hearing about them.”

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Should Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Move?

So far Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have not made any comments about the criticism they’ve received, although at this point it’s doubtful anything will be said.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. 

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, We’ve got you covered.

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King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Deborah

    They’re whinning grifters. Nasty jealous people who want what everyone else has but won’t work for it. They just think the world owes them it all.
    I feel sorry for those children & what their life will be like one day.

  • noellastober

    It has finally getting to the point where the people are so fed up with their bs that it has all backfired on the hatred MM has for the royal family and rightfully so. You reap what you sow and Karma has finally starting to come around to them full force Harry should get rid of her, pay her off what he can and he should go back home empty handed, if necessary to make amends and restart all over again because there he has years of trust to build himself back to before This must stop or UK should just banish him as has been done before to others in history. This is just so boring The soap opera has come to THE END

  • Sharon

    Meagan has ruined everything including Harry. She has such a high opinion of herself, she actually believes she’s a duchess when all she is is common. She only has the title because of who she’s married to, she herself has no royal bloodlines. She is a diva who loves drama so she can keep her face in the news. She thinks this will get her what she wants when in reality she is nothing more than a low life for trashing the royals & ruining Harry’s relationship with his family.

  • ZippyPurpleKitten

    They should move to Brazil. Anywhere far far far far far far far away.

  • Dani

    Private people living in Montecito areprivate. I don’t know who Maya the writer of the article got her source. Well off people living there don’t talk to reporters. They don’t indulge in gossips like Maya is doing. Another clickbait article to make herself (author) relevant. Maya must have make up the story or talk to certain people visiting the area or those working around.But not the residents of the community. They’re educated and know better not to get involved in gossip media.