Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Regret Leaving The UK

It might be a little too late for them to turn back time now. There’s a new report that suggests Prince Harry and Meghan Markle regret leaving the UK.

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That’s because they miss having a base near Windsor Castle after they were forced to leave the home following King Charles’ eviction orders. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Regret Leaving The UK

There’s a new report that suggests the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are struggling over what to do about their living situation in the UK. That’s because they have bo place to stay.

They can’t stay at Frogmore and they certainly can’t stay at any of the other royal properties unless they give a significant amount of notice that they are planning to come to England.

Royal Family News: Harry And Meghan Are Certainly Feeling Homeless In The UK

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One source close to the situation recently told The Sunday Times that Harry and Meghan are definitely regretting a few decisions they have made about their relationship with the royal family.

That’s because it seems like they’ve lost more out of it than they have gained from it. The source said,Not having anywhere isn’t overly helpful. There are friends and hotels, but I know they would like to have somewhere.

Meghan seems to have decided that coming back more is not what she wants to do, but Harry would like to. Having a base in his home country, despite everything that has happened, is appealing. There is work to be done here in terms of the charities, and there would be opportunities in the future where he’ll want to be here a bit more.”

The insider then added, “If they could have kept Frogmore, they would have done — it was the perfect setup for them. When he last stayed there, he did a whole load of clearing out, and he was sanguine about it but pretty sad.” 

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So far Harry and Meghan have not made any comments about the matter.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: lev radin /

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Kati

    It feels to me that the romance is over and Harry wants to go back what he had been used to all his life. And have his children experience the brisk ways also. To be with there cousins and live the royal, safe, and secure way. Megan is not good for Harry. His family is. Go home Harry. They will except you because your dad lives you. Forgive and forget. Please.

  • Kati

    It’s time to go home before it’s too late for your babies to learn the way. Megan can stay in LA where she feels the most comfy. Just do it. Hey your family back together. There’s great love coming from them especially Kate….

  • Sanny

    Leave this couple alone so they can have live thier life’s in peace ah. Every Tom Dick and Harry (no pun intened) what a piece of thier lives and since negetive sells blogger, writer and newscasters lie just to gain tracton on social media. It’s appalling.

  • Carolyn

    Harry and his kids should go back to England but Megan should not be allowed to return. Harry get a divorce. Megan is evil. Harry make up with the family.

  • Patricia

    I don’t understand can somebody please explain to me how the Late queen can give them a gift of the frog more Cottage as a wedding gift and then his father to take it away from him. How can anybody take a gift away from somebody? That makes absolutely no sense to me. And it should remain with them no matter what.