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Half a year later it’s fair to issue a performance review of their progress, to evaluate how the couple who make it a habit tell the world what they intend to do to make it a better place, as well as tick off all their grievances in life—starting with his family and country—have done.
Have Harry And Meghan Done What They Said They Would Do?
Have they delivered on their boasts to create Archewell, a non-profit organization that promised to “advance the solutions the world needs most?” No. They couldn’t even get past the trademark phase because they forgot to sign the paperwork. Their response? They quit Archewell. If they can’t accomplish something as simple and non-strenuous assigning their name to a piece of paper, how can they be expected to do anything as grandiose as save the world?
Have they gained the financial freedom and independent lives they longed for? Nope. They are unemployed and so far have raised their son Archie in a succession of other people’s houses.
Have they made the world a better place in any way whatsoever? You be the judge: they have done two photo-ops meant to suggest that. One time they delivered food to a shut-in, the other time they were seen grinning as they stood next to former gangbangers. Oh, wait, Harry has issued an apology for not doing enough to combat “endemic” racism.
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What Have Harry And Meghan Accomplished Off Their Boastful Agenda?
Have they managed to be thankful for what his family and the UK (which they ditched in an unprecedented move in the middle of a raging pandemic that has changed the world forever) gave them (salary, residence, wedding, etc.)? Negatory. Instead, Meghan complained that she felt “unprotected” during the time she lived on the taxpayers’ dime and she has boasted that her wedding brought in £1 billion to the UK coffers, a claim roundly disputed.
Have they engendered the goodwill of those who know them well? Again, a question to be answered in the negative. According to reports, the stories that actually made it to the publication about their childish behavior were, “a drop in the ocean compared to what was going on,” according to an inside source. “They (the Sussexes) come across as needy, entitled, and professional victims. It is always someone else’s fault, never theirs.” They probably deserve an F. but let’s give their performance a D- just to be charitable.
AMP in the post
Harry’s an idiot for letting her talk him into moving to LA which is paparazzi heaven as compared to England.