Prince Harry And Meghan Markle’s Big Fight At Final Royal Engagement

The Royal Family attend the Commonwealth Service on Commonwealth Day Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have tried to hide certain ugly aspects of their royal family relationship. But a new book has uncovered some shocking encounters involving the Sussex and Cambridge clans. And that tell-all includes details on the Duchess and Duke of Sussex’s huge fight with Prince William and Princess Kate. 

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Find out what happened behind the scenes during the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s last royal engagement with Harry and Meghan. And learn what you need to know to decide if the rift can ever heal. Catch up with Harry, Meghan, William, and Kate below. 

Royal Family Rift: Harry And Meghan Fight With William And Kate!

Once upon a time, a royal family featured two brothers, Prince William and Prince Harry. And in what seemed like a perfect fairy-tale ending, each prince found a beautiful bride. But William, Duke of Cambridge, and his wife Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, followed all the royal rules. And that obedience made Harry’s and Meghan Markle’s disobedience even more obvious!

As a result, rumors swirled that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex clashed behind palace doors with almost the entire royal family.  Royal author Tom Bower has uncovered all the dirty details of that clash. But Bower’s book, Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the War between the Windsors, also hints that the Queen herself played a role in the royal wars.

And one particularly telling scene took place prior to and during the Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey. That brouhaha began when officials forbid Meghan and Harry to join the royal family’s procession at Westminster Abbey. Because the Palace felt worried that the Duchess and Duke of Sussex might misbehave, they wanted the duo far away from the Queen. 

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Royal Family Officials Humiliate Meghan Markle And Harry: Here’s How!

However, royal family history shows a surprise. Many blamed Meghan’s and Harry’s infamous interview with Oprah Winfrey for creating the rift with the royals. But the Commonwealth Day humiliation took place before Oprah’s interview. And according to Bower, Palace officials felt suspicious about the Sussex family long before the couple dropped bombshells for Winfrey.

As a result of their desire to protect the Queen, Palace officials changed the order of service, noted Tom. “Although the order of service listed Harry and Meghan walking behind the Queen, Palace officials had revised their decision. Suspicious about the Sussexes, they decided to publicly humiliate them.”

As a result, Prince Harry and Meghan got forced to sit and wait with the congregation. And the humiliation continued when William and Kate reportedly behaved coldly toward Markle. The Duke of Cambridge icily greeted his brother. And William’s wife followed his lead, reportedly blanking the Sussexes.

However, although William and Kate continued with their royal duties, Meghan and Harry gradually withdrew. And their interview with Oprah Winfrey caused the feud to go public. However, Bower’s new book hints that many of the Sussex couple’s claims consisted of fiction rather than fact. And as one fan wrote on Twitter, “Everything that Harry and Meghan said at that Oprah interview can now be proven as subjective statements! They never happened.”

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How do you feel about this report of the fight among Harry, Meghan, Kate, and William? And who do you feel should step forward and try to heal the rift? Do you hope Oprah Winfrey will interview all four to show the different sides of the royal family? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

Duchess Of CambridgeDuchess of SussexDuke of CambridgeDuke of SussexMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle Prince HarryPrince HarryPrince William
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  • Rosemary

    William and Kate need to keep their distance from Harry and his puppet master Meghan!

    No one cares about H&M and they just need to go away and stop causing their family problems. H&M are greedy, selfish and Attention seeking jerks. The Royal family is better off cutting all ties with them!



    • Iris

      MM has caused all the issues

    • Doyon Evelyn

      the royals never cared for markle they kne she would be a problem she wanted to change the monarchy but thats not the way it goes

    • Linda Sue

      you all are back stabbing assholes. You all have done or said bad things and need to let H&M live their lives in peace.You all need to go back in history about all the BAD things done by british royalty.. Yay for you Harry for sticking up for yourself. I am Your 11th Cousin on your mother side, Hugs, Linda Sue

      • Sharon Johnson

        Your comment is rather interesting! However, I totally disagree. My opinion is that Harry is a spoiled BRAT! He has known his entire life what was expected. He chose not to comply. Supposedly one of the main reasons he stepped down was cause he didn’t like all the publicity! Or the reporters hounding his wife/family. And, yet, all they’re doing now is seeking publicity! Give me a break! Megan had no business going to Uvalde, TX but she went and took her own film crew with her!

        • Gabriele

          Pish shaw! MM is a trouble maker and crazy greedy manipulating Harry. Liar. Now at M behest Harry wants to sell his book all the dirt he thinks up to destroy his own family. All to make money. No wonder you are being treated so shamefully. Good, I hope you both get it in spades.

      • Sharon Johnson

        Your comment is rather interesting! However, I totally disagree. My opinion is that Harry is a spoiled BRAT! He has known his entire life what was expected. He chose not to comply. Supposedly one of the main reasons he stepped down was cause he didn’t like all the publicity! Or the reporters hounding his wife/family. And, yet, all they’re doing now is seeking publicity! Give me a break! Megan had no business going to Uvalde, TX but she went and took her own film crew with her! I AM REPLYING to a Different Person and added info!

        • Patricia

          She’s no journalist. Well she is getting all the PR she wants. Well she is making a life away from Harry. We will see how long this marriage will last.She has a life now, away from Harry, She is like I said, a Hollywood Ho. Apparently Harry trust her.

      • Judy Harris

        H & M do not want to live quiet and peaceful lives. This is evident through their actions.

      • Deb

        I wish they’d go back to London. The US doesn’t need em. We have enough celebrity idiots

    • Patricia

      I really think the Royal family should barr them from coming to the UK. All they do is cause crap.What is Harry going to do when he wakes up?. All they do is cause crap an nobody knows what for. Harry believes any thing Megan tells him. When they do come back, they think they should be treated as an treated like Royalty. He gave that up when he moved to California. Now he’s sueing his family for money. He’s always sueing someone.

    • Patricia

      So right. Break the ties. They go to the UK an say how awful they were treated. Keep their asses away from the UK. Every time they go, they have things to say, bad things they say. Now her children are called Ni##er. That’s a damn lie. All she does is lie.

  • Wanda Fernandez

    Harry is a complete idiot! I dare him. He an Meghan are only using the Royal family to make money . Meghan is a complete narcissist and a gold digger!! Harry to too dumb to see that Meghan is only using him to try an be famous. She is a joke!! No wonder they were booed!! Harry wake up!! Please!!

    • Linda Sue

      Wanda didn’t your mother teach you if you don’t have anything nice to say, they KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!!!!!!!! Get the hint

      • Judy Harris

        Linda Sue, haven’t you heard that if you can’t say anything nice about someone, you must be talking about H & M…lol

    • Patricia

      Megan is studying politics. She intends on running for office, an eventually running for President. Can you believe that twit??. Harry is her babysitter as she doesn’t want a nanny.

  • Alene Fisher

    It will get much worse once Charles takes over

    • Kclee

      Do you think it can get worse? There was.a reason the public loved.Princess Diana and there is something inside her that was so good you couldn’t help but love her. There aren’t enough hats to make the person try and be like The Princess Diana

    • Patricia

      Well I should hope he puts a stop to the money, Charles is not going to cater to those Wims. Some day Harry will wake up., an who can Blame Charles if he doesn’t take it.

    • Patricia

      Yes, Charles needs to straighten Harry out about Megan. He should not hand them money any more. Harry doesn’t care about his family to be trashing them all the time. She should be very happy. She broke up a family. That woman is a liar, An I wouldn’t buy a book, an I hope America will not buy that book.

  • Riso Alison

    I find this heartbreaking. I watched these men grow up and I feel like 1 woman has destroyed their love and respect for eachother. I think Megan came in like she was gonna take over. She had issues with her ego on her show that’s why she was fired.
    On that note, I think Harry is miserable with her and living in the states. Now there’s 2 children in the mix that make it 100% harder to walk away. He just doesn’t seem to have that Harry way about him anymore. Fun, happy, joyful, loyal Harry. I really hope they can all come together and figure it out. Diana would be heartbroken but I doubt she would have let it get to this point.

    • Kim McCann

      I agree…Diana would be heartbroken

    • Kathy Mathias

      I think it’s very sad

  • JRC

    The royal family has a lot of issues. They’re outdated, backstabbing, sneaky, and jealous. They – meaning William and Kate – were so afraid Harry and Meghan would be more popular than them. How sad… they come across as snobby and rude. Not a fan. Much prefer Harry and Meghan. Much more relatable, down to earth, etc. Diana would be proud of Harry and his choices. All of them.

    • Kiki

      100%! But the world fell for the Will and Kate trap. And still don’t see they did.

    • BV

      I totally agree!

    • Zondra

      Really don’t agree with you… I feel when someone lies all the time to make pints there are major problems and I feel zharry has been used and abused by a scheming women

      • Sharon Johnson

        Nailed it!

      • Judy Harris

        So true. Those who stand up for MM are either blind and naive or they’re of the same scheming ilk as MM.

        I’ve had plenty of experience with her kind and can quickly pick right up on it.

    • Patricia


  • Dominique Wilson

    I have always suspected there would be turmoil between Harry and his family after marrying Meghan. I did not agree with them marrying and have suspected that Meghan was going to drive a wedge between them. As for the Oprah interview, I do not believe what they claim as Harry has been in training for the throne his entire life, yet he could not coach his own wife as to what to expect from the family and how to follow protocol, what rules to expect, how to handle herself, ect. Meghan claimed she had no preparation for that. Did she not know who she was marrying? I just find that they are both attention seeking and both like to be in the public eye.

    • Jett

      I think Harry fell in love and that love blinded him to Meghan’s plan, which in my opinion, was to gain larger publicity and notoriety, something she didn’t have in her acting career. I think Hollywood fame is truly what she was always after. She didn’t really know what she was getting into when marrying royalty but thought she could still use it to her advantage.

      As for Harry, now it has all caused a rift with his family that looks like it cannot be repaired and there are two children involved. I think Harry is trapped and he knows it.

  • Brit

    Sadly Harry is like a “fish out of water” in the US and Meghan is very controlling. It’s her way or no way – not to mention she always wanted to marry a Prince when she “grew up”!
    What they did with Oprah was disgusting to a Royal Family and the lies they told.
    I wrote to Oprah listing every subject discussed with the truth! I also mentioned how surprised I was that a woman of her caliber would believe and repeat such utter dribble and to make sure she fact checks before other interviews!!

    • Mary Burns

      That’s what I don’t understand.. Oprah is a smart woman!! How is it that she can’t see through all that crap.. I’m guessing if Oprah didn’t jump on the story someone would have.. But why not FACT CHECK the story..

  • Jeani Wheeling

    Megan needs to go !!!!
    Hopefully Harry will wake up soon and realize the horrid mistake he’s made….
    She will be his downfall…..
    Always wanting the public to believe she’s the victim !!!! Give me a break….. she loved the attention and was constantly trying to take it away from the rest and when that fell she stooped to levels sooooo low in order to put the focus back on her…. she’s a total disgrace…..

  • Linda Sue

    If you don’t have something Nice to say. Then keep your mouth SHUT. People like you are NASTY. H&M have told the truth about how they have been treated, Many Royal in that household have done FAR WORSE and got away with it.The British Monarch are liars pretending to be British when in fact they are GERMAN and cannot be proud of their ancestry and should not cast STONES. More people were happy when Diana exposed how she was treated. Charles was a womanizer I watched how he was and I was a young girl, and he had Camila at his wedding to Diana, she gave him cuff links to wear he’s a discussing pig, He will make a horrible King and she wanted to be like her GGma and be the royal concubine( if you don’t know) HIS WHORE.. If any of this happened to you I am sure you would not sit still..

    • K


    • Collette

      Seriously? You believe the bull$hit you just spewed? The hatred is yours lady. He also watched his mother have enough affairs to fill up a calander, so much so that even the RF didn’t know if Harry was theirs or not…he nor she wanted to get married, it was an arranged. They are British. As for Rachel and Henry they are both narcissistic liars who couldn’t find the truth with a map…there is no her truth or his truth, there is only THE TRUTH. And for your smarmy comment on casting stones, take your own advice about calling the future Queen consort a wh*re…not nice you hypocritical b*tch.

    • Collette

      For someone not wanting anyone to cast stones, you are, but calling a future queen consort of the UK little more than a “lady of the evening”. He didn’t invite her the Parker-Bowles family was invited. But what’s goose is good for the gander, right? She had many affairs, many. A few I can think of of the top of my head are her… protection officer, riding instructor, Capt Hewitt, a few others have come forth under anonymity during their divorce proceedings…I have no sympathy for either M&H..neither know what loalty is..for a few bucks they sold both their families out …and everything they said was proven false on the interview with Oprah. They complain about how no one from the royal family wants to be near them…gee wonder why? Because it will be taken out of context and used against the RF. Would you want to talk to anyone who will lie about family for money? Hell no… people think this is àbout racism, it is not.. Africa is a special place for the family…yeah real racist, just like she’s 100% black when it suits her..and no one said anything about Archie’s coloring being a huge deal… someone wondered if he would be lighter or darker like his mum… Camilla the concubine said,… whatever, he will be a beautiful child…seems to me it was probably Prince Philip because he said inappropriate things constantly, because of that generation (the silent generation) spoke their minds…and for being who he is it possible it was him. Harry has hate in his soul for everyone even himself. Both him and his wife both need counseling. And more than one person said they brought no children to the car seats, no baby equipment, nothing. And one of these people is her best friend…so they lie and say the queen who has dozens of pictures with her more important ggg the heirs, why would she not happily sit for a photo or Charles either…I’m sure the UK gov wants DNA tests orrn n both kids… because if either of their kids were born through surrogacy then those children are not eligible for anything from the privy purse and also would not be in line for the throne…a child has to be “born of” but on Buckingham Palace’s birth announcement said “born to” not of..of referring to being birthed by the bio mother by the bio father…she hates titles so much, does she think her kids automatically get “prince and princess” title when Charles ascends the throne. He’s been saying for years, slimmed down monarchy, only working royals are to be payed..and a title from a king to his grandchildren is custom not law…so I doubt they will see those titles…but I am willing to bet when Charles is king their titles will be put in to abeyance, that way they will be the Mountbatten -Winsors. And lady they are English to their very core…so please think before you type. You were way off base calling her those inappropriate in closing, Diana wasn’t a saint she had severe mental problems before coming into the royal family…like trying to push her stepmother down a flight of marble stairs… mental health issues run in her family and her son inherited some of them..she was someone to the world and someone else in private…oh she was warned by Scotland yard because she made over 300 calls in a very brief amount of time to his lovers wife ….she was named in the divorce bless your heart

    • Isabel

      Very right this never end M&Harry I do believe them

  • Kclee

    William and Kate show class and manners. Too bad his brother and the woman he married can’t act the same way. Ever since Harry married there has been nothing but ugly things happening and being said in the press. Too bad they don’t care about what the public feel about them. The Queen has been a role me for her family. Too bad Harry didn’t pay attention.

  • TJ

    Harry sold out his country for a terrible actress, yacht girl, twice divorcée and a lier! He continues to participate in their quest to take down the Royal Family, his family, that’s always been there to help him and clean up his messes! I wonder how many family members have thought “what happened to him? He was raised better. Then he and MeAgain were surprised they didn’t get the red carpet rolled out for them for Her Majesty The Queens Platinum Jubilee and ran away because they weren’t allowed by palace staff to put the Queen on the back burner for them? And Harry trying to change the seating arrangement approved by the Queen?!! Good in the place staff to make sure @the right people” are around the Queen! They go around like their sh^t don’t stink! Disgusting excuses for human beings.

  • Pauline

    If Harry married a white woman it still wouldn’t matter. I’ve read Many of the comments after they got married, an I truly believe that love is love regardless of your color or nationality. Sad. Sad. Sad, so let them be who they are. If they commit a legal crime then you have reason to bashed them if found guilty in a court of law. Haters, an prejudice is dangerous. ‘Live an let live’

  • Denise

    All of you on here need to go to church This Sunday and every Sunday and ask the Lord to erase the evilness from your cold bitter hearts. You all are spewing so much hatred for a woman that you all don’t know anything about. You all are running off hearsay information from the media and other clueless individuals. Try using your own minds and not spreading vicious gossip. All this hatred isn’t Christian like.

  • LadyR

    Harry is her puppet. This marriage should have never taken place. She’s a classless social climber.

    As for Camilla, he should have never married her. It seems the royal family can no longer pick suitable spouses. A useless woman with no class and a social climber (Megan) and a mistress of over 20 years who comes from a line of mistress who looks like a bulldog. ‍♀️ These woman have cheapened the family name and are actively trying to bring down the monarchy. The queen is smart in not abdicating to her son for he will muck everything up. Hopefully William will set everything right when his time comes.