Prince Harry And Meghan Markle’s New Neighbors Are Already ‘Super Annoyed’

That didn’t take long. Apparently the new neighbors of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are already fed up with their presence. The exact words being used to describe how the locals feel about the interlopers are “super annoyed.”

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Oh my. According to TMZ, the Montecito ‘hood is being overrun by paparazzi, helicopters, and the like, all angling for a look at the privacy loving couple.

The Markle’s Neighbors Are Finding Out What It’s Like To Be In The Vicinity Of The Finding Freedom Couple

Montecito is the latest relocation locale of the pair who just can’t seem to find a home that meets their standards or suits their needs. They are now in a starter mansion, which as mansions go, was a bargain-basement find with a fixer-upper price of 14 mils or so.

The Markle’s haven’t said how they are liking their new digs but according to TMZ, the people who were there first are not liking the newly arrived couple and the baggage they brought with them.

That’s because a horde of paparazzi, helicopters, and tourists are now flocking to the area. There go the property values?

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Montecito Residents Are Reportedly Not Thrilled That Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Have Brought Their Baggage To The Once Peaceful Region

Allegedly the royal couple hasn’t been seen in the local McDonalds or Target yet. Give them time. But it’s being said that their, “mere presence is driving folks wild” thanks to helicopters circling around the neighborhood they live in multiple times a day, and paparazzi slumming in public areas.

The royal couple recently moved to the little enclave above Los Angeles so it seems that the honeymoon if there was one, is over. Residents move to Montecito for privacy, not publicity which is exactly what Heghan are dragging behind them. There goes the neighborhood?

Harry and Meghan haven’t been seen in public in their new locale but the neighbors are feeling their unwanted presence

It seems that the tucked-away town outside of Santa Barbara is talking about the gadfly pair but not in a good way; their neighbors are definitely not welcoming all of the extra scrutiny being given their hideaway city. Because of them, a ton of paparazzi are hanging out on street corners looking for that six-figure shot of

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Homeboy Harry And The Missus.

Montecito has its fair share of celebs but Meghan is attracting a whole other level of attention. It’s said that the streets are busier than normal with tourists looking to catch a glimpse of the loved-up couple. There are even reports of store owners being asked if they’ve seen Harry and Meghan.

TMZ writes that the locals, “tell us they want the paps to give it a rest because they feel things are getting to the point where everyone’s privacy is being compromised.”

If that’s the case, then they already have something in common with Harry and Meghan’s families!

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal spoilers, news, and updates.

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Guest

    It's amazing how Kate gets a pass and Meghan keeps being hounded and vilified. Two different standards applied to two Duchesses! That's classic racism!

  • Guest

    They are attention hounds the third rate actress will do anything for publicity be dammed everyone else who lives near them, she will cry poor poor me just shortly is she going to go to court regarding the lively hood of these photographers same as she did in Britain? The so called letter was her fathers to do with what liked but the destroyer had to bring out the guns to go after The Royal family. As for the henpecked wimpy traitorous mr markle he is a joke beyond words

  • Guest

    Duchess Catherine is proven loyalty and class markle is a slut who deserves to be set on fire

  • Guest

    What exactly is Kate doing. She seems weel poised and does not point fingers. What a terrible person. Get over me again. Master manipulator.

  • Guest

    Old article, but can't imagine how neighbors will feel about having Netflix camera crews filming there.