Prince Harry Awarded $178,000 In Damages In Phone Hacking Case

Prince Harry has gotten a little taste of victory this morning. There’s a new report that says the Duke of Sussex has been awarded $178,000 in damages in his phone hacking case and lawsuit against the Mirror Group Newspapers. Here’s what you need to know.

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Royal Family News – Prince Harry Awarded $178,000 In Damages In Phone Hacking Case

According to new reports, Prince Harry has described his win against the Mirror Group Newspapers as a “great day of truth.” As many royal fans probably know by now, the royal was the victim of “extensive phone hacking.”

However, the prince was also warned by a High Court judge that his “tendency to assume” all stories were obtained illegally was incorrect.

Mr Justice Fancourt ruled that 15 of 33 articles about him published by Mirror Group Newspapers were obtained illegally.

Still, Prince Harry was awarded over $178,000 in damages. The judge found that unlawful Information gathering was “widespread” at all three MGN newspapers from 1996 onwards.

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In addition, the judge said hacking began in 1996 and became “widespread and habitual” from 1998. royal was the victim of “extensive phone hacking.”

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Wins His Lawsuit

Of course, many royal fans and critics weighed in on the matter on social media.

Some commented with, “Either way it is a win for Harry. H has two main claims. The newspapers obtain stories by illegal means & persons in the royal households are working with the press against him. Both claims are true,” along with, “And just in case you missed it, the judge was pretty much hinting that stories were provided by the family, or people around that family. Ergo…his family were the source.”

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Prince Harry himself released a statement that said, “Today’s ruling is vindicating and affirming. I’ve been told that slaying dragons will get you burned. But in light of today’s victory and the importance of doing what is needed for a free and honest press – it’s a worthwhile price to pay. The mission continues.”

So far Buckingham Palace has not made any comments about the matter. Watch this space for more royal drama to come.

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Editorial credit: AU Media /

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