Prince Harry Broke Unwritten Royal Rule With Brother, Prince William?

Is there more to the royal sibling drama between Prince Harry and William than we commoners know about? Speaking in the documentary, Kate Middleton: Heir We Go Again!, royal watcher Andrew Morton let slip a telling tidbit which could further explain the alleged frostiness between the men.

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Is There A Rift Between Prince Harry And Prince William?

Morton was actually talking about young Princess Charlotte and her royal role as the younger sister of Prince George who is expected to one day inherit the throne. In his monologue, Morton explained that the role of a younger royal child entails supporting his or her older brother or sister.

Has Prince Harry Broken An Unspoken Royal Rule?

If this is the case, then Harry would definitely have breached his expected duty to support his brother. One would think that role involves a bit more proximity than a being continent away, living a lifestyle completely foreign to the monarchy.

Not to mention the way Harry officially dumped his family, via Megxit, a publicly flaunted move which announced to the world that he and wife Meghan were leaving The Firm and the UK in their dust.

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News Has Emerged That Prince William Allegedly Told His Mother Princess Diana That He Did Not Want To Be King

Now it has been brought to light by the Royal Editor of the Daily Mail that Prince William reportedly told his mom, the late Princess Diana, that he did not wish to be King one day.

Putting this allegation into context royal writer Anna Pasternak told the documentary, William and Kate: Too Good To Be True, that Prince William was well aware of his future role as King.

In an ironic twist, another speaker in the film stated that Harry had tongue in cheek offered to take on the role if Prince William forsook it saying, “He often used to say to his mother he didn’t really want to be King. His brother Harry would interject and say, ‘well I’ll have the job then if you don’t want it.’”

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Was Prince William Reluctant To Become King Of England?

Pasternak had this to say about Prince William, “Very early on he would have had a potent sense of his destiny. He would have known that one day he was due to become King.”

Was William just kidding, and for that matter was Harry? Perhaps now we will never know.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    There’s a prince code and a bro code?