Prince Harry Burdened With Staggering Remorse Over Leaving Dad And Brother for L.A.

“Sources” suggest that Prince Harry is finding it difficult to adjust to life in Los Angeles in his multi-million dollar rental estate. Indeed, according to these same informants, Harry is feeling cooped up, has cabin fever due to the Coronavirus pandemic, and is regretting his decision to leave his family in the U.K.

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Apparently, some are suggesting that because of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles’s age, Harry has suddenly discovered a conscience and is worried because of course; his grandmother and father won’t be around for all time. Yet, this also begs the question … what does Prince Harry plan to do about these feelings? Is Harry simply going to be satisfied with regular Zoom calls with Prince William and Kate? Maybe a Zoom call or two with dear old dad and grandma? Or, will Prince Harry defy Meghan Markle’s family rule and head back to Great Britain and familiar territory at the earliest opportunity?

After all, life in Los Angeles can’t be all about surfing, hiking, and tooling around Meghan Markle’s old childhood haunts, can it? (At least, once the Coronavirus issue has passed, that is.) Another question is whether Harry’s noticeable desire to get the heck out of Dodge has to do with concern for the health and longevity of Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth … or whether it really has to do with the fact that Meghan Markle’s mom, Doria Ragland has moved in with them?

After all, if Prince Harry is henpecked by Meghan Markle as some claim, or if he is treated as an infant while Meghan is “Mommy Dearest,” then what my life be like with in-law’s descending upon Harry’s married life?
Regardless of the reasons “why” Prince Harry is regretting his decision to move to the United States he may find it difficult to go back to the way things were. That’s because everyone knows that Meghan has no desire to be a senior member of The Firm. Indeed, Meghan might like the titles, influence, and boost in the image that being a Royal brings her, but she definitely didn’t enjoy living in the U.K. or the restrictions Royal responsibility placed upon her.

Thus, Prince Harry can’t very well go back to being the dashing prince whose sole responsibility was “support” for Prince William unless it is sans Meghan Markle. Now, there are not many voices calling for a breakup of Harry and Meghan’s marriage. Nor should there be a call by anyone who cares about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s overall happiness. It’s just clearly a fact that Meghan Markle is the true obstacle to a permanent return to Great Britain by Prince Harry.

What solution then, might Harry find that would allow him to see his childhood family without the need to destroy the family he is building with Meghan Markle? Obviously, one answer would be vacation times where Harry, Meghan, and Archie could fly to London for brief visits. Alternatively, one might even imagine Prince Harry and Meghan meeting up with Prince Charles, Prince William, and Kate, etc. in Egypt, Switzerland, Austria, France, Spain, the Bahamas … all previous Royal vacation destinations.

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The bottom line is that if Harry is truly lamenting his move to the United States, he’s got to find a way to reconnect with Prince Charles and Prince William and the rest of his family in a meaningful manner. Some might also suggest that Prince Harry discover a life goal upon which he can focus and strive to achieve. After all, at the end of Harry’s life how happy is he going to be looking back and saying, “Well, I didn’t accomplish much, but you know I really enjoyed surfing in L.A.!”

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Loopy Cooney

    I really liked Meghan when she first started showing up in the Royal Family but after the wedding, she seems to have turned into a shrew. I feel sorry for Harry now. I believe it’s all about him keeping her happy at the risk of his own happiness and of course that will tell sooner rather than later. Can’t keep that stuff bottled up inside for long.

    I think he should go back to England and to hell with her. I’m not a big royal follower but the writing is on the wall for this marriage. She’s leading him around like a puppy dog.

  • Guest

    Harry. Should stop led around like a puppy on a leash..Stand up to your wife .

  • Jezz

    My view on the Royals is if it keeps some folk happy and they can set good examples to their fans/supporters then that's fine.

    This situation with Harry is sadly getting out of control! He doesn't seem the smartest person but with Megan's influence he is losing what respect and standing he did have.

    I had high hopes when Megan married into the royal family. I feel the family did want Megan as part of their family and probably hoped it's was a wonderful opportunity with Megan to embrace many of their subjects/nation who did not relate to the other members of their family. I just think it can take time to make solid changes in such an old traditional setup. Take any elderly grandmother and ask her to change and despite her being willing I bet it will be a slow and difficult process. Megan probably hoped for change overnight and in that situation it is completely unrealistic. It would have been nice if she could have taken it slow and made solid, positive changes for the good of the nation and importantly people of colour who could have really benefited from her representation.

  • Sharon Geosits

    Just tired of all the Harry & Meghan drama, enough already! They are getting to be more annoying than the Kardashians and I really can't stand them!!!

  • Guest

    Do you live with them ??? Don't believe all the paper talk .And what makes you think she's leading him around like a puppy .He's stronger than that .You really don't know what you are talking about ,Wish they lived in Canada .

  • Guest

    Do you live with them ??? Don't believe all the paper talk .And what makes you think she's leading him around like a puppy .He's stronger than that .You really don't know what you are talking about ,Wish they lived in Canada .

  • Guest

    Do you live with them ??? Don't believe all the paper talk .And what makes you think she's leading him around like a puppy .He's stronger than that .You really don't know what you are talking about ,Wish they lived in Canada .and not in the u s a .
    and why should he stand up to his wife ?what do you mean ?he loves her .

  • Loopy Cooney

    Of course I don't live with them. What a ridiculous question. I'm glad they don't live in Canada because Trudeau would have been only to willing to look after them out of the taxpayer's money just like he does with all the illegals.

    I know as much of what I'm talking about as you do about what your saying. It's an opinion and I believe Canada is still a place where you can voice your opinion at least about some things.

  • Guest

    This article is very real.
    You have to have a green card, to stay and work in the usa,.or to be sponsored by a us citizen but he has to
    give up all his titles,,,,titles
    here are not honored or
    recognized…reasoning for
    all the mentioned above
    he needs to have social
    security to pay regular taxes
    Federal and state taxes.
    Not only that, he entered
    The us as elligal immigrant.
    Please read harry immigration.
    It is very confusing to
    Understand, if you
    Never went through.
    He need to exit, stay in
    Uk, markle stay in the us,
    Has to work for support
    To make sure harry will not
    Be in welfare, when he
    Gets here.
    Five years waiting period
    If he would like to be a
    Us citizen,
    But as I said,he need to give
    Up every title he has.

  • Anita Rhoades

    I think she wears the pants in their family. I thought at his age being he is a grown man love her or not, he should stand up for himself but he let's her control ALL the shots. Maybe he's not really a grown man but a child that follows her like a abused pet dog.