Prince Harry Called Out Over Rank Hypocrisy In Major British Column

As many may know by now, Prince Harry has recently gone on a social justice crusade. Over the last few months, Prince Harry has foisted his personal political views on unsuspecting British and American audiences. Those who have been paying attention to developments vis-à-vis the Duke of Sussex know that he’s spread his message on racism, inequality, and unconscious bias and using a multitude of platforms and venues to do so.

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Just a few examples of Harry’s chutzpah include speeches where he lectured British rugby fans on singing the African American spiritual song, “Swing Low Sweet Chariot.” Indeed, Harry went on to back a move to ban the song entirely from rugby games because of its connection to slavery. (One wonders if Prince Harry even knew that the song was written by a freed slave or that the song was originally sung by British rugby fans in honor of a Nigerian born player who was nicknamed “Chariot” due to how fast he was on the field.)

Another case in point was when Prince Harry used his mother, Princess Diana’s birthday, and the Diana Awards, to tell recipients that, “My wife said recently that our generation and the ones before us haven’t done enough to right the wrongs of the past. I too am sorry—sorry that we haven’t got the world to a place you deserve it to be. Institutional racism has no place in our societies, yet it is still endemic. Unconscious bias must be acknowledged without blame to create a better world for all of you.”

Now, Carole Malone, an English TV presenter, journalist, and broadcaster has done what literally just about everyone else has wished they could do … called Prince Harry out on his rank hypocrisy. As Ms. Malone noted in a column for The Daily Express newspaper, Harry doesn’t grasp “the concept of hypocrisy.” Here Prince Harry is, lecturing British and American audiences on inequality and bias, and he’s literally the poster child of both as “one of the most privileged white males on the planet.”

Moreover, Prince Harry has been photographed, laughing it up while dressed as a Nazi. Yet now, Prince Harry wishes to lecture the planet on inborn racism!

Indeed, Carole Malone isn’t by herself in calling Prince Harry out. Sky News host Chris Kenny also had harsh words for the former senior British Royal when he said on air that, “Prince Harry must renounce the monarchy, his power, and authority vested in lineage before he can be in a position to lecture others about identity issues.”

Mr. Kenny went on to note that, “Racism is ugly because it focuses on identity, it looks past the person at the identity, it places the identity above the person. But, what is a royal family if not the very high point of preferences and discrimination based on identity? A royal family declares that power and authority, and riches and privilege, is handed to one tiny identity group, a royal family.”

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Whether Prince Harry will have the humility to consider exactly how privileged he is, and whether he’ll take a step back from lecturing those whom he obviously views as the unwashed masses, is a question that will likely be answered soon.

The truth is that it’s not likely Prince Harry will pay attention to naysayers. His arrogance, and the conceit of his wife, Meghan Markle seem to have a never-ending need to express themselves. Thus, watch out America, the United Kingdom, and the world … the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are probably not done portraying the quintessential, self-righteous elitists most cannot abide.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    like why yall keep bothering Meghan and Harry let them live damn!