Prince Harry Can Return To Royal Family IF He Agrees To One Shocking Change

Royal family news reveals that Prince Harry could still reunite with his father King Charles, brother Prince William, and the rest of his royal relatives.

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However, in order to achieve full acceptance, the Duke of Sussex must make one major change in his life. And that involves Meghan Markle.

Find out what a royal family expert shared about Harry’s possible return to the family. And learn how the Duke of Sussex might need to change his life in one shocking way. Get all the details below.

Royal Family – Holds Onto ‘Goodwill’ For Prince Harry

Can Prince Harry make a significant change in his life in order to return to the royal family fold? Royal family experts have analyzed the royal clan’s feelings about the Duke of Sussex.

And they agree that the royals would take Harry back into the fold. However, that acceptance requires Harry making one shocking change: Breaking up with Meghan Markle. But royal expert Jennie Bond believes that change may offer the only way for Harry to return, according to Yahoo.

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And Bond explained, “I think that Harry, without Meghan, would be forgiven and welcomed back into the royal fold in the fullness of time.” Because the the royal family still holds “enough goodwill towards Harry,” he hasn’t burned all his bridges yet. However, that goodwill represents “the old Harry that we all remember,” clarified Bond.

And the royal expert believes that without Meghan, Harry “could recoup the ground he’s lost in time and be welcomed back. But I don’t think it’s anywhere on the horizon,” she admitted. However, Princess Diana’s former butler Paul Burrell went even further in reflecting on how Meghan influenced the royal family’s perception of Harry. And Burrell agreed with the theory that by breaking up with Markle, Harry can return. 

Prince Harry Will Return To UK, Predicts Royal Expert

Burrell believes that Prince Harry splitting from Meghan seems inevitable. And that split will then result in a full reconciliation with his father King Charles and brother Prince William, predicted Burrell. “Because we all know that it will happen,” he added about Harry dumping Meghan. 

And when the Duke of Sussex disposes of the Duchess, Burrell thinks Harry “will return to the United Kingdom.” As a result, Burrell predicts “his father, the King, and his brother, the Prince of Wales, will both greet him back into the country with open arms. There is an element of Harry we all love,” he added. “We just don’t understand why he’s doing what he’s doing at the moment.”

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However, the Duke of Sussex didn’t indicate any plans to dispose of his wife Meghan Markle in explaining his phone-hacking lawsuit motivation. And instead, Harry shared that he went to court over phone-hacking claims to halt the hatred directed at Meghan. As a result of his desire to protect Markle, the Duke of Sussex sued Mirror Group Newspapers, according to the Insider.

Harry claimed that journalists hacked his voice mail messages and published the details. But a spokesperson for the newspaper group vowed to “vigorously defend” allegations that involved journalists behaving “lawfully.” However, Harry seems determined to use his appearance in court to defend and protect Meghan. He also complained about articles exposing former girlfriend Chelsy Davy, who he dated between 2004 and 2010.  

Tell us what you think. Do you believe that the royal family would allow Prince Harry to return if he split from Meghan Markle? And after you share your views, check back from our site for more royal family news.

Editorial credit: Mr Pics /

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Janice

    That is blackmail. How can you profess your love for someone and then demand they leave their spouse. King Charles is a spoiled ah. He is not God. He is not even a good person. He and Camilla used the Suxxesses to divert their own bad press. What kind of a father is that. Harry has been used as the spare in more ways than one can imagine. And when he doesn’t do what the firm wants they throw him out like garbage. Thank God my relatives left England and Ireland.

    • Kim

      100% agree. People need to just leave them alone.

    • Karen

      I agree. Why can’t people just leave them alone??!

    • Kathy Stout

      I agree! Look what he done to Princess Di and that wife of his is not a good person

      • Nita

        Amen..The Harlot needs to go.Sh sure is not a Queen,she’s trashie.

    • Diana Feldmeier

      Princess Diana never would agree with any of them. Harry has two children to worry about growing up. And a Wife that married him just for the fame. Sorry but I would never leave my family for the King. He never cared about Harry when he was growing up. Too busy cheating on his wife.

      • Hillary

        I can see the reason for Harry going back to the Royals is that he can’t make money on his own. He needs his Father to support him since Meghan seems to be going out on her own.

    • Amiee

      I agree 100%..of course they expect Harry to leave him !family for the firm like Charles left Diana…they have no ethics….don’t blame Megan…and this is about race….don’t care how they try to hide it…and the whole Monarch know this…and Charles is really angry about Harry and Megan having a relationship with his maternal side of the family…I am sure that is a slap in their face…his Mother’s family said they remember how they treated Diana…so if the Monarch did that to Diana…Megan don’t have a chance…and is Charles going to leave Camilla…

  • Paula Carter

    I think it’s ashame that these people won’t except Meghan as Harry’s choice to be married to. They’re opinionated, rude, and above everyone else. Or so they think they are. The only thing that makes them different is royalty. What a shame.

  • Patricia

    No matter what the Susexxs have said or done you don’t ask a person to break up their family.

  • Beth

    I think it is all rumors and BS!! HE isn’t going to dump his wife as they said. Do not insult the public by thinking we are that gullible to believe this trash . Prince Harry has two beautiful children with Meghan and I don’t think he would ever walk away from them.

    • Amiee

      Yes they do expect him to leave him family…Charles don’t care and William is worse then his father….Megan have apologized for everything including the baby brain…..which was ridiculous to be so angry about in the first place…but she cannot apologize for being black…and this is where the underlying problem lies…

  • Patricia

    That family don’t give two cents about that woman of color and her kids.

    • Joan

      Nobody cares about her colour, it’s how she alienates families after using them for all they’re worth. Who can forget how miserably she treated Prince Phillip and the Queen at the end of their lives.

      • ShanLee

        She didn’t. Her Oprah interview held them in high esteem. I see nothing that she did TO them. I believe it was Harry who initially decided to get out. Funny how they treated her badly by allowing all the harassment and nasty rumours to prevail.

  • Lorna Smith

    I am a true believer of the Royal family, however I don’t hear any comments about the children, what father, would ask his child to leave his grand children out in the cold, to joint that traitor of a king and a wife that destroyed his parents lives. King is just not liking the facts of blacks running around in his space..I don’t think Harry will leave his wife,

  • Addie

    HOWEVER, Megan knew there were rules to follow when she said ,I will and I do ,( Right away she change
    The dress code ) All Megan have to do is follow the
    Required codes and stop leading Harry around Blind

  • Maryjane

    Harry won’t dump Megan, Megan will dump Harry. She will find another sugar daddy. However, Megan is the problem. It is not about her race, which by the way, she never lived as a “black” girl until she was getting married to Harry. Then dump white dad and siblings and put black mom out front and center. Megan is a fraud.

  • Jan

    Leave Harry alone. She has him under her spell.

  • Pat Newmans

    She sure does have him under her spell.but all in all women can get their man to do what they want by putting the sex thing on them(more then normal) and they will just about do what you want.and most of you women out there know that but will not teach you that.that a secret thing to control your need to hide it.and i think that is what Meghan is doing to Prince can tell he is well satisfied.Don’t you think?

  • Dianne Smith

    I don’t understand how the King and Queen can be so judgmental against prince Harry and Megan behavior when theirs was so much worst. The King had a mistress and a child with her then he married her. The now Queen was his mistress and believes that because she married the king all her mistress behavior has been wiped clean? No Queen mistress and King Cheater you do not have the right to pass judgment on someone else marriage choice!!!

  • Carolyn Smith

    The King has custody of both Harry children that is the law.This women used Harry for her own benefit she has the house money and two children so she can say bye Harry any time.What is so sad about these two there children will suffer no grandfather cousins in there life colour has nothing to do with this so please think about the children.Jolly

    • Wanda

      The king has custody of the children in England but not in the US. It would be up to an American judge who has custody here. I would be curious about the judgement here. If it ever goes to court here please let me know as I would love to watch that if it was on tv.

  • Dee

    I don’t think they’d say it out loud because they aren’t as stupid as the tabloids that keep giving Harry reasons to run into her arms and hold her. If the press would just not acknowledge their existences or write about them in any negative way, this marriage would’ve already ended. Why can’t you see that all you do is add more fuel for the fire?? The family would never demand He leave her or else but if you leave them alone, it could happen and yes his family will accept him. The problem is he’s not going to want to be that far from his children so they can read in the tabloids about their mum.

  • Scavellas

    This is not surprising Megan was the fool in the first place thinking that she would be excepted into that family no matter how many babies you put out, she has the house slave mentality like she is actually part of the family. So dumb

  • Demetrice

    They are treating him like they did his mother. Do what l say or get out, even after his father finally married his mistress & his uncle was accused of child pornography. All was forgiven, but a black woman oh my what is the world coming to. And will they try & take the kids & how will the family treat them.

  • Shanlee

    So he just has to dump his wife and kids and leave the country to return to the Firm where steps will be taken to control (obstruct) Megan’s access to him? Or are they that arrogant enough to expect he takes the children with him because, well, he’s ROYAL. Is their skin color white enough for Charles all of a sudden? What Megan did, imo, is SAVE Harry from this tortured existence and he saved her too. He got out. Why on earth would he go back to that? I know Diana would be right there supporting him, and Megan, just as Camilla and Charles are there to destroy what spirit he has left, and to hell with the little half Harrys. Right? As for William, he is power hungry and blinded by how important he thinks he is. Better no brother than that brother.

  • Amiee

    Well something is definitely wrong with the Monarch…must remember there is a higher power…God is not crazy about ugly…he has his own way of dealing with things…

  • Peggy Fluet

    The Snobbing King…the wanna be Queen…better watch out bc Karma has a way of getting back…PW snob & KM with both of them having the ” I’m better than you are attitude ” will get their due…as they say ” What goes around, will come back around TWO FOLDS!”.

  • Eljo

    It’s hard for me to believe that people are sticking up for Harry and Meghan after the way they trashed the monarchy, Harry’s family. If M didn’t try to put blame on Harry’s family by using the race card and destroying Harry’s family, they would still be In the UK with their children.
    Meghan never acknowledged her black history until she .married into the royal family. She is biracial and should be proud of both races.
    I hope people see her for what she is, an opportunist. Leave Harry’s family alone and try spending time with your children instead of leaving the. With your .o. and servants all the time.