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Prince Harry Can’t Escape His Royal Past

Prince Harry can’t escape his royal past no matter how hard he tries, according to a new report. Apparently, the Duke of Sussex is still living the royal life, whether he wants to admit to it or not. That’s because he still talks and acts like a royal, apparently. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Prince Harry Can’t Escape His Royal Past

Daniela Elser, who often has one thing or another to say about the royal family, believes that Prince Harry just can’t escape his royal past or his current royal ties no matter how hard he tries.

She wrote in her most recent column for might be able to take the lad out of his homeland of room temperature beer and the perpetual veneration of the sausage roll and to plonk him down in a world of matcha lattes, but can you really take the Brit out of him?

Prince Harry Can’t Escape His Royal Past

After all, what is more quintessentially British than the nearly inalienable belief in one’s right of having several days every year of crisping oneself in the sun somewhere in southern Europe, ideally in a resort where the menu offers double egg and chips?”

If that weren’t enough, the royalist also suggested that for some reason the quiet trip that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle took to Portugal to visit his cousin Princess Eugenie was not a good idea at all. The Sussexes took their short trip soon after the Invictus Games in Germany had ended. 

Royal Family News: Prince Harry Will Always Be A Royal

Elser added, “And so, it has come to pass with reports now claiming that Harry and his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex managed to tack on a mega-secret trip to a luxury resort in Portugal after their recent stint at the Invictus Games in Dussedörf. The optics here are nada bom, or not great for those who don’t speak fluent Portuguese.”

So far the Duke of Sussex has not made any comments about the criticism he’s received.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals,  We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: Loredana Sangiuliano /


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