Celebrities usually love the spotlight. But each year, their appearance on one annual rankings list fills them with dread. And that’s the yearly Most Disliked Celebrities ranking.
AMP in the post
Because voting continues, no one knows who will hold the top spot when the ranking closes. But as of this article’s publication, Meghan Markle won first place.
However, her hubby Prince Harry has soared up the list, closing in on his wife by taking the fourth spot. Keep reading to find out how to cast your own vote!
Most Disliked Celebrities List Features Annoying Stars
And the rankings game has begun for 2023. Because Ranker has kicked off its annual list of “The Most Disliked Celebrities” of the year, fans and foes have rushed to cast their votes. However, voters must follow certain rules.
And Ranker explains, “Who are the most disliked celebrities of 2023? The most annoying celebrities come in all forms. There are the outspoken Hollywood stars that seem to be asking to get cancelled, and the annoying celebrities who post way too often, and are quoted way too much.”
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However, the list also features celebrities who “over-use social media, getting themselves into trouble, like antisemitic rapper Kanye West. As always, there are plenty of social media stars, like Addison Rae and James Charles, who continue to annoy the living daylights out of us. The Kardashian-Jenner family certainly take up a lot of spots for most annoying famous people on this list. Tech bro Elon Musk has become someone people love to hate.”
Cast Your Vote For Worst Celebrities Of 2023
And to vote, you can press the up arrow for celebrities you feel seem most annoying. Press the down arrow if you think that a celebrity deserves a place further down the list.
. And be sure to follow the voting rules: ” Vote up the celebrities who are irritating you most in 2023. No career politicians, but pundits are fair game.”
Currently, Meghan Markle holds the top spot. But Prince Harry has soared up the list, going from sixth most disliked celebrity to fourth place. However, to compete with Meghan, Harry must annoy people more than third spot winner (or loser) Ellen DeGeneres and second place winner (or loser, depending on how you look at the rankings) Amber Heard.
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Meanwhile, Reddit communities have focused on urging its members to cast their votes for Meghan. For instance, one critic pleaded, “Vote for this narcissist fake.” And another noted, “Birds of a feather certainly flock together. Comments on multiple Reddit [communities] compare Amber Heard to [Meghan Markle] as try-too-hard, talent-less losers that decided to use their marriage to try to social climb.”
Tell us what you think. Who do you feel deserves top spot as the most disliked celebrity of 2023? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.
Editorial credit: B. Lenoir / Shutterstock.com
Editorial credit: lev radin / Shutterstock.com
Meghan Markle is the biggest loser, and hypocrite.She loses my vote big time
Both Sussexes are as bad as each other.
Yet, MM takes the cake.
Meghan Markle is waste of space.
Meghan and Harry both. Always blaming someone else for their downfalls. It’s always ME ME ME