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Prince Harry ‘Deeply Stung’ By King Charles For This Reason

Prince Harry ‘Deeply Stung’ By King Charles For This ReasonIt’s safe to say that there’s going to be no end to this royal feud anytime soon. There’s a new report that says Prince Harry feels deeply stung over the fact that his father King Charles apparently couldn’t make the time to see him during his very short trip to London this week.

This, despite the fact that the Duke of Sussex hopped on a plane to come visit his father after he announced his cancer diagnosis back in February. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Prince Harry ‘Deeply Stung’ By King Charles For This Reason

One source close to the situation says that Prince Harry was “deeply stung” by not seeing his father, the King of England, while he was in London.

The insider even said,It surprises me a lot. I was fully expecting them to meet. I know that’s what he wanted to happen and I don’t know when he’s next back.”

And as much as Prince Harry did want to clear the air with King Charles, he did also make peace with the fact that things will never be the same between them ever again.

The Sussexes even released a statement before Harry’s trip to the UK that said, “In response to the many inquiries and continued speculation on whether or not the duke will meet with his father while in the UK this week, it unfortunately will not be possible due to His Majesty’s full program. The duke of course is understanding of his father’s diary of commitments and various other priorities and hopes to see him soon.”

Prince Harry – Wanted To See King Charles In London

That said, other sources say that Harry “neither requested to see his father nor invited him to attend the service at St Paul’s” and that he needs to give at least 28 day notice before he plans a trip to the UK. 

So far Prince Harry himself has made no comments about the matter.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more juicy drama to come.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, Hollywood actors, and reality television stars. We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: B. Lenoir /

  1. Elsa Johnson says

    You people need to leave Megan alone
    she is minding her own business nor bothering anyone and you dumb ass
    people keep on with this backstabbing
    foolish the reporters palace aides and
    you so call others need to get a life Megan
    didn’t offend anyone in Nigeria no one
    there was offended by her dress so leave
    Megan alone you people just want to find
    fault with everything she or Harry does
    they have every right to leave England and
    start a new life for themselves every Royal
    working Royals aren’t have investments
    outside the family you people
    act like it’s a crime for Megan and Harry
    to have investments are make their own
    money Charles and William are upset
    that Harry left because they wanted to
    make that choice they want to control
    everybody life in the family like know one
    has a say in how they want to live their life
    Charles and William wants to be the boss
    over everybody in the family they want
    to be the ones to control the money be the
    ones to make millions and what you people
    don’t want to see that Charles and William
    Have investments in the United States basically around the world so I don’t understand why you people are feeling
    sorry and sympathizing with Charles and
    William they want to put the brakes on
    what other Royal members make money
    wise but they don’t want any one telling
    them what they can and cannot make
    so if you were Harry or any other Royal
    would you want to be at the mercy of
    Charles and William whim dish out
    money they choose to give you no because
    that’s how they control you wake up People
    now you see why Beatrice and Eugenie
    will not work for them and when they ask
    to help Charles and William decline the
    offer so now they need their help and
    Harry and Megan’s help but they were
    not treated fairly so why should they
    help so that’s what Charles and William
    get for being nasty to the four of them see
    you people want to believe Charles and
    William even Camilla are so nice but they
    have their nasty ways to so some of the
    cause of the rift in that family is not all
    on Harry and Megan but see Charles and William and Catherine and Camilla don’t
    want to accept some of the blame and the
    palace aides cover for Charles and William and
    you people need to wake up Charles and William are trying to keep the monarchy
    revelant wake up People it’s all about

  2. Barbara Griffin says


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