Prince Harry Depressed Over How He Bullied Kate Middleton

If he could take back time, you better believe that he would do it almost immediately. There’s a new report that suggests Prince Harry might be feeling quite depressed over how he bullied Kate Middleton in the past, especially now that the world has learned about her cancer diagnosis.

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As many royal fans know by now, the Duke of Sussex took quite a swipe at his sister-in-law in his tell-all book, Spare. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Depressed Over How He Bullied Kate Middleton

There’s no doubt that Prince Harry is feeling quite devastated over Kate Middleton’s situation right now. On Friday, she revealed to the world that she had been diagnosed with cancer.

Unfortunately, both Harry and his wife Meghan Markle were kept out of the dark with the news, as it’s been rumored that the palace simply doesn’t trust the Sussexes and sees them as potential leakers to the media.

That said, Prince Harry wishes he could contact Kate Middleton and tell him that he’s sorry for all he’s done.

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In his book Spare, Harry suggested that it was the Princess of Wales who had made Meghan Markle cry just a few days before their wedding, and not the other way around like the media had previously suggested.

Royal Family News: What’s Next For Prince Harry?

In her column for the Daily Mail, A.N. Wilson even put it this way,It is they who lifted the lid on the rift between the two brothers. It is they who raised the inflammatory claim that some royals are secret racists. It is they who insulted Kate, knowing she could not respond.

Their foolish decision to go public with their seething resentments against the House of Windsor has done far more damage to the royal image than any supposed intrusions into their privacy by the Press, let alone the delusional fantasies of social media trolls.”

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Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

Also, watch this space for all of the latest breaking news. Come back to Celebrating the Soaps for everything you need to know about The British Royal Family.

Editorial credit: ACHPF /

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince Harry newsPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family NewsThe Royals
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  • Pk

    Harry is responsible for the stress he has put on his family. Brothers fight, everyone knows this. But they don’t go write about it and go on TV. Your mother and the queen would be ashamed of your behavior. Just leave them alone.

  • Belinda

    So sad what the Sussex’s have done. They crossed the line. Can’t go back.

  • Jrobe

    I wish Prince harry would divorce Megan and patch things up with the Royal family. Megan is no good for him

  • SAM

    Spot on! Good reporting. Thank you!
    The Sussex two need some maturity???

  • Mo

    I agree, 100% and then some with those who did make comments or replied to the story . The Sussexx need to go away, and I agree that they should not sit foot in the UK anymore they made their bed let them lie in it.

  • Carole

    Megan is a first class B. She has
    NO HEART OR SOUL. SHE LIES TO GET WHAT SHE WANTS. She is an evil being. I HOPE I LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO see her rot for all the heartache she has caused and stupid Harry for going along with it.

  • Vivienne Brown

    The lesson here is:Be careful what you say. Once said, you can’t take it back. Harry was born a Royal. He knew the rules. Personal Business should not be shared with the Public. He knew the consequences. Now, he lives with the fallout.

  • Maria

    I think Haz is finally seeing in action what he has done to his family. His father is still talking to him, Camilla is as well (even though she’s very very hurt) because he’s her husband’s son. But William and Catherine that’s a whole different ball game. They are hurt, devastated and sad. Haz just wants to be able to pop over to the UK when HE wants and see his family when HE wants. Haz has always been given the extra life by the family because it’s good ol’ Haz. Well not anymore thanks to Meme. She’s made them realize that Haz is a nasty piece of work.

  • Brenda

    Harry’s true colors are showing. Meghan has disowned her family except her mother and she has seen to it that Harry lost his family. It is all about Meghan and Harry. Neither one of them can stand being second. Well you two have stirred the pot and when you least expect it KARMA will tear you two up. Remember when you point a finger you have three pointing right back you. Meghan will never be like Diana she is to narcissistic to ever be Diana.