Prince Harry Discusses Dealing With Grief & Losing Mom Princess Diana

Prince Harry has been through an awful lot in his life and to his credit, he appears willing to share with others how to navigate life’s choppy waters.

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According to Owen Richards, a survivor of the 2015 Tunisia terrorist attack, Harry generously gave him advice on how to deal with his grief after surviving the tragedy of having three of his family members killed.

Richards is from the West Midlands and he was just 16 when his brother Joel Richards, 19, grandfather Charles Patrick Evans, 78, and uncle Adrian Evans, 49, were massacred on June 26, 2015.

Prince Harry Has Given Counsel On How To Deal With Grief

Harry last year dedicated a memorial to the British victims of the 2015 Tunisia attacks. Additionally, he went to the ceremony, alongside the families of those who lost loved ones, at Birmingham’s Cannon Hill Park.

Richards told The Mirror that Harry advised him on dealing with the horrific aftermath of his ordeal.

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Harry told him that he, “must talk about what happened. He said he knew personally because when he lost his mum, he didn’t. It was a bit weird when he said, ‘when my mum was killed,’ because she’s not just any mum – she’s Princess Diana.”

“It seemed like he was trying to give some advice rather than have a meaningless conversation.”

Owen Richards Was Able To Speak With Prince Harry In Person

Richards recalls that at the ceremony, “I was nervous but Harry nodded during my speech. Mum and I had a teddy from our charity Smile for Joel – named after my brother – which we gave to him for his wife who was pregnant.”

“I told him I was there when it happened and how I lost my brother, my grandad, and my uncle.” He was staying in Port El Kantaoui with his family when the terrorists struck.

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At the time 23-year old Tunisian Seifeddine Rezgui opened fire and Richards and his family tried in vain to run inside the hotel to hide.

Owen has shared how he held his grandad Pat Evans after being shot, and while he succumbed to his wounds.

The coroner later praised Richards for his bravery in trying to save his grandad.

Owen Richards Has Been Praised For His Courage In The Tunisia Terrorist Attack

After the terrorist attacks, Richards and his mom, Suzanne Richards set up an organization called, Smile for Joel Charity, which gives support to terrorism victims.

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  • Guest

    Prince seems like he can be compassionate, maybe to a fault?

  • aitak C

    The media need to stop milking the Diana tragic death.
    When is that woman going to RIP?
    Amazing how this “celebrities “ keep bringing the sad stories again and again.
    Harry needs to be relevant in the news since he is nobody here.