Prince Harry Fighting To Keep His “Law Enforcement” Records Private, Refusing to Obey American Law

British royal family news reveals that US attorneys are working overtime to forbid Prince Harry’s visa application being made public. According to sources, “law enforcement” documents related to the app would cause the Pauper Prince “stigma” if they were revealed.

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And what makes Harry’s alleged criminality any different than the convict’s down the street—oh right, different rules for Nigerian royalty.

According to the Daily Mail “The argument is contained in a 53-page court transcript which was due to be released last night.”

Royal News – Harry’s Alleged Criminal Ties

The news follows a hearing in February in which the think-tank that asked for the release of Harry’s paperwork argued that the US citizenry has a right to know just who is in this country—possibly illegally.

Harry’s March 2020 visa application has come into question based on his own bragging about his beloved drug habit. Anyone who wishes to enter the US: 1. Cannot lie on their visa application, and 2. The rest of us have a right to know if Harry lied about his drug preferences.

Royal News: Did Harry About His Drug Habit?

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In what can only be seen as blatant favoritism, lawyers for the Department of Homeland Security are demanding that Harry be given preferential treatment and not have his visa documents revealed.

Such a douche move by Harry only serves to ground his reputation further into the ground and cause detractors to dislike the climate criminal even more.

If Harry had half a wit about him, he would do the right thing and voluntarily disclose what should be public information. But that would go against his mentality to hide first and deflect later.
What is Harry Hiding?

DHS lawyer John Bardo told the judge that Harry’s suspect documents “are law enforcement records.” Wouldn’t it be nice if American lawyers were as committed to protecting US citizens as much as they are a foreigner who looks like he’s broken the law?

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The shameless lawyers added: “So there is a stigma associated with being mentioned in a law enforcement record.” And who’s fault is that if not the Naked Vegas Pool Boy?

The disclosure is significant because “It is the first time law enforcement records have been mentioned in connection with the duke’s visa case.” How shady is Harry’s situation? One LA-based immigration lawyer said last night “Law enforcement records could mean the police, FBI, airport police, secret service, military police or even the highway patrol. The word that jumps out is “stigma”. It is not a word you would expect to see in a routine visa application.”

“It’s a highly unusual word not usually seen in cases like this and it begs the question, what is in there that could attach a stigma to Prince Harry’s application?”

Hopefully in the land of the free and the home of the brave, especially on this Memorial Day weekend, sense takes precedent over privilege.

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Editorial credit: ACHPF /

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