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Prince Harry Hates The Person That He’s Become For This Reason

Prince Harry Hates The Person That He’s Become For This ReasonIf he could turn back time, you better believe that he would. Prince Harry is losing touch with himself. At least, that’s what a new report suggests.

Apparently, the Duke of Sussex is at a point in his life where he is beginning to regret the decisions that he made that has led to Megxit. 

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Hates The Person That He’s Become For This Reason

As much as Prince Harry loves the family life that he has created with his wife Meghan Markle, he misses everything that he left behind in the UK. That, and he misses the person that he used to be. 

Royal expert Richard Eden, who has written books about the royal family, says that the Duke of Sussex possibly feels like he’s lost touch with himself.

He put it this way,When Prince Harry started introducing new girlfriend Meghan Markle to his closest pals back in 2017, not all of them warmed to the American actress.”

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Not only that, but Eden also thinks that Prince Harry has been given plenty of warnings that he and Meghan Markle were just not going to work out because they come from two totally different worlds. But the prince married her anyway.

Harry’s friends, after all, tend to be country sports enthusiasts with an earthy sense of humor, while Meghan is a politically correct Californian who practices yoga when she’s not sipping green smoothies or nibbling avocado on toast.”

“However many new showbiz pals Harry makes in California, there might come a time when he regrets losing touch with his old pals.”

So far Prince Harry himself has not made any comments about the matter although at this point it’s doubtful that he will.

Now, whether or not he will drop everything that he has in California and move back to the UK remains to be seen. Some people think he will do it while others think it’s doutbful.

Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

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Editorial credit: ACHPF /

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