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Prince Harry Hits Back At Allegations Of Monetary Misdeeds … But Is The Law On His Side?

Prince Harry Apparently, Prince Harry believes he is being maligned in the British media over alleged mishandling of some $366,000 in charity funds. Accordingly, Harry has decided to sic his attorneys on Republic, a political organization dedicated to the abolishment of the British monarchy, which filed an official complaint about Prince Harry and Prince William’s handling of the funds.

According to reports, the U.K. Charity Commission received the Republic’s complaint against Prince Harry. Now, the organization is in the process of reviewing it. Republic’s complaint reads in part: “The Royal Foundation gave a grant of £145,000 ($183,000) to Sussex Royal and £144,901 ($183,057) to a non-charitable organization (Travalyst). In both instances, it appears the only rationale for the decision was the personal relationship between two patrons, the Duke of Sussex and the Duke of Cambridge.”

Further statements read: “The Sussex Royal charity has since decided to close, and it is reported that they will transfer all their funds to Travalyst. Again, this appears to be a personal decision by a trustee (the Duke of Sussex) to fund another of his projects, rather than to ensure the funds are being used for the original purposes for which they were donated.”

For those who don’t know, Travalyst is a for-profit travel program to encourage eco-friendly tourism.

Much of Prince Harry’s legal response to Republic’s challenge has come off as bluff and bluster with little substance. In other words, Harry’s team seems to be dancing around the actual allegations rather than meeting them head-on.

For example, the London firm Schillings now represents Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. In their response to Republic, they wrote the following: “This is his (Prince Harry’s) life’s focus, and his devotion to charity is at the very core of the principles he lives by and is obvious through the impact and success of his many charitable projects throughout the UK and beyond. To this point, it is deeply offensive to today to see false claims made about The Duke of Sussex and his charitable work. It is both defamatory and insulting to all the outstanding organizations and people he has partnered with.”

As anyone a see, Schilling’s argument centers around the assumed good character of Prince Harry and little else. It’s as if Republic made charges against Prince Harry and the response was … “How dare you! Prince Harry’s moral character is beyond question!” … which of course is a straw man argument.

How this all plays out for Prince Harry remains to be seen, but it’s likely that nothing untoward will happen. For example, fans of the British Royal Family aren’t likely to see Prince Harry hauled off and extradited from America back to the U.K. to stand trial for making these money transfers.

Could Harry get slapped with fines, or perhaps receive some other slap on the wrist? Sure, but let’s face the fact that even if Prince Harry is guilty as sin of this monetary impropriety, he’s also one of the most privileged individuals on the planet.

Things don’t happen to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s of the world that happens to the rest of us.

1 Comment
  1. Guest says

    ROFL. IF he has eco principals he sure isn’t living by them rolling in an Escalade.

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