Prince Harry Is Getting The Christmas He Doesn’t Want

Prince Harry doesn’t really have much of a reason to celebrate this past year. That’s because everything that could have gone wrong, certainly did go wrong.

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And now instead of celebrating Christmas with his royal family members back at home, he’s stuck in California with his wife Meghan Markle and their two children once again.

And while that’s certainly not a bad thing – Prince Harry is a family man, after all – it’s not what he had envisioned for this year. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Is Getting The Christmas He Doesn’t Want

Several weeks ago it was reported that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were hoping to spend Christmas in Sandringham with the rest of the royal family.

The only thing was, they needed an invite from King Charles and his wife Queen Camilla in order to attend.

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Sadly, that never happened. And now Harry has no choice but to stay in California even though he desperately wanted to be back home in the UK with the family that he once loved and adored so much.

At this point, it’s safe to say that things will never be the same between Prince Harry, King Charles, Prince William and the rest of the royal family. It’s just not going to happen. There’s too much hurt.

But that’s still not going to stop Harry from trying to win his family back. He knows that deep down inside there’s still room for him and that eventually they can all get over the hurt that the Sussex drama has caused. 

Royal Family News – Will Things Ever Be The Same Between Harry And The Royals?

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Now, as far as why King Charles never formally invited Harry and Meghan to travel to Sandringham for Christmas this year, no one really knows, but it doesn’t seem like the royals are really missing the Sussexes at the dinner table anyway.

That much-needed apology certainly goes both ways. Watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more juicy royal drama to come.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals,  We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: B. Lenoir /

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Nancy Furyes

    He”s getting the Christmas he deserves . Now he wants to suck it up. Too little too late. They are nothing ,he’s was a sprare and she is nothing. He lost his keys for the palace. Too bad.Disappear please. We are tired of you both.

    • Sherry

      Agree with you totally, and maybe this will be a lesson he will learn about being a real decent human being who does not try to destroy the family. Hope that the royal family has shut the door and put up the drawbridge on both of them…..

  • Lacey

    Harry is the one who was betrayed and hurt by his family first as the spare. He may no longer be working royal…but he is still FAMILY and should be included in family things. He isn’t milking the UK like the other royals do. Other royals have jobs and also work for the family so never have understood why Harry and Megan couldn’t do same. I will NEVER visit UK after way they treat Megan and Harry. Why British news have so much control?? Why do they care so much about the royals?? They are just people!! No better than anyone else!!!

    • Sherry

      Harry and Meghan both BETRAYED their family, the monarchy, the very people of the country, they broke the TRUST of the family with their LIES and BETRAYAL so *reap what you sow*.

  • Affranchimar

    Maybe again he will be invited alone.He declined to celebrates his father’s birthday because she was not invited.Also the same situation with the coronation but at the last minute he decided to be there but refused to stayed for the lunch and concert.

  • Ananda

    Hey Lacey, how would you like it if someone in your family told everyone all the private conversations you’d ever had? Or told lies & made exaggerations knowing you couldn’t answer back? Like you said they’re just people too & I think after 3yrs of that you may not want to be around them either. Plus they made millions doing it! They can’t trust them anymore & may believe they are being recorded & videod by them… Now they are losing everything & THATS the reason they want to return to the family fold. It may be that they need to grow & get a clue. You can try doing that too!

  • Angie Jeffcoat

    I think they should drop all the drama and be a family again. The time they are missing you can never get back. Queen Elizabeth is turning over in her grave, at all this nonsense. Don’t waste time and memories.

  • Deborah

    Harry’s once loved family. His mother was still alive when that was a fact. Harry’s worried about their titles & UK paid protection & of course the all mighty we understand every phone call is perpetually hounding for money.

  • Cindy

    Harry should apologize immediately and mean it. He destroyed what he had with his family with the help of his wifey. And I honestly believe that was MeMes intention from the beginning. Perhaps Harry could get a therapist a qualified one and sort out what has happened and why. Or just someone to talk to.