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Prince Harry Is “Playing Dress Up” To Stay Hidden From Prying Eyes

Prince Harry Is “Playing Dress Up” To Stay Hidden From Prying EyesBritish royal family news reveals that Prince Harry loves his privacy but some royal experts fear he is over the top when he tries to go incognito in public. Harry fancies himself as important as the late Queen Elizabeth, King Charles, and his heir brother Prince William.

That’s why he’s spending a ton of money to make the British taxpayer fund his security even though he is nowhere the level of the real royals.

Royal News – Harry Knows He Doesn’t Deserve Free Security

To be honest, some have speculated that Harry knows he doesn’t deserve free protection but is squawking about not returning to the UK because he’s not safe as an excuse to avoid his family altogether.

Why else would he stay in random hotels when visiting his family and why did he venture off to Nigeria if he fears for his safety?

One royal expert thinks that Harry’s lust for privacy is causing him to play “dress up to avoid being spotted out and about in Britain.” For what it’s worth, Prince Harry’s mother, the late Diana, also allegedly wore disguises in public.

News Break quotes royal pundit Tom Quinn as saying that “Harry is completely obsessed with the idea that any visit to the U.K. is fraught with security difficulties — hence his continued legal action to challenge the U.K. government’s decision not to fund his security.”

Quinn addressed Harry’s use of public hotels by saying that he despises them and that the “last time he stayed in a hotel on a visit to the U.K. he had to leave and arrive virtually in disguise.”

Royal Family News – Prince Harry In Disguise?

Harry turns 40 this year and he is no longer a working, senior royal. But he stubbornly insists that he, his wife Meghan Markle, and their two children are entitled to British taxpayer-funded security despite not living nor working in the UK.

With a great amount of non-humility, Harry’s lawyer states that “The Duke is not asking for preferential treatment, but for a fair and lawful application of … rules, ensuring that he receives the same consideration as others.”

And yet posters are not buying what Harry is selling with one writing “Half-wit Harry needs to stop being delusional and comparing himself and Meeeagain to Princess Diana.

There is absolutely no reality in his claims … Just go about your lives, as no one cares that much about you. You both are not nearly as important or interesting as you consider yourselves to be. Just HUSH!”

Another did not mince words: “He thinks he is more important when he is not. Grow up and pay for your own security. No one cares about you and nutmeg.”

Tell us what you think of Harry’s pleas, royal fans!

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