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Prince Harry Is Putting His California Life At Risk?

Prince Harry Is Putting His California Life At Risk?There’s a new report that suggests Prince Harry might be putting his California at risk. Actually, make that the multi-million dollar mansion that he lives in. 

A lot of critics believe that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are unable to keep up with the royal dream that they have built for themselves in California. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Is Putting His California Life At Risk?

According to one royalist by the name of Richard Fitzwilliams, he thinks that Prince Harry is putting his future in the United States at risk and it all has to do with his past drug use.

As many royal fans and critics perhaps know by now, Prince Harry has admitted to his past drug use in his tell-all book, Spare.

However, he did not disclose it in his visa application, prompting a lot of people to believe that he might get deported.

The royal expert even put it this way,The fact of the matter is that it will be very embarrassing, or may be very embarrassing.”

If that weren’t enough, even Donald Trump has suggested that he will look into the matter, should he win the presidency in November. 

Royal Family News – What’s Next For The Duke Of Sussex?

And that’s not because he doesn’t like Prince Harry, but mostly because of the issues he has with his wife, Meghan Markle.

The Duchess of Sussex has made it clear that she’s no fan of Donald Trump.

“Harry may have included drug use on his application form. If he hasn’t, it will unquestionably make headlines, and that will not be beneficial so far as the Sussexes are concerned.”

So far Prince Harry himself has made no comments about the matter although at this point it’s doubtful that anything will be said.

But whether or not the Duke of Sussex does get deported from the United States remains to be seen. Here’s hoping that won’t be the case at all.

Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

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