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Prince Harry Is Tired Of The Royal Family And Their Games

Prince Harry Is Tired Of The Royal Family And Their GamesHe’s been there and done that so many times in the past that he knows what’s next. There’s heavy speculation on social media that suggests Prince Harry is tired of all the games that the royal family is playing behind closed palace doors and that’s why he wants nothing to do with it or even them for that matter.

Just this week, the royal family shared special posts to celebrate Prince Harry’s 40th birthday. It’ the first time in a very long time that they’ve even acknowledged Prince Harry on social media at all.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Is Tired Of The Royal Family

The last time that the royals wished Harry or even his wife Meghan Markle a happy birthday was back in 2020.  But because of all the tell-all interviews and Harry’s tell-all book, Spare, the royals have distanced themselves from the Sussexes.

But now that they’ve seemingly extended an olive branch to Prince Harry, he can’t help but feel suspicious over what their real motives or intentions might be.

Do King Charles and Prince William really want Prince Harry back in the royal fold? Is this their way of showing Harry that they still care about him and want him to return to the UK? That’s what a lot of fans and critics alike would like to know.

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But at the same time, Harry knows that if he does return to the royal family, it’s not going to be the same as it was before. 

He knows that the royals probably have something hidden up  their sleeve but at the same time, he doesn’t want to be too much invested in it.

Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle have built their live in California and at this point, he doesn’t want to take a step back when he’s taken so many steps forward. Or at least, not in this moment in his life right now.

For now, let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.

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  1. noellastober says

    It should be done then Both H & M want nothing to do with royal family as the family wants nothing to ddi wuth them It is sad for King Charles to have to deal with this but it will never go away King Charles cannot be comprimised into giving into either H pr M As a parent I will say there are times yu just have to let go and let the chips fall where they may The two spoiled brats that they are need to get a good lesson on life 50 years ago this would have been handeled so much different and it is too bad they can not be handled in that way anymore Yhey have yhrown the royals to the curb so now it is all about turn about fair play It is time to call their bluff no matter how hard and give them absolutely nothing You will not see their children again in this lifetime so you take care of the children by leaving them taken care of, not the parents ever Put money, educatiion in a fund where the children can get what they need with a royal in charge of when and how it can be given to them Create a book of pictures and items they will be able to have where it shows them they were always wanted but they were not allowed to be shared It may hurt the parents but the children should know just why there is no relationship with the royals Put H & M on the spot as they both suck as parents and hold high demands for their shelfish selves Tell the truth and share the sadness everyone has felt due to their parents behavior They can receive that when they get older by a royal who has been chosen to do the ugly task but in the end it will benefit the children emensely H & M need aboot in their bums and this is a fair way of doing it So sorry for the king and his family but keep putting the boot in their bum because one time will not surfice

  2. Debby says


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