Prince Harry Left Embarrassed By Wife Meghan Markle

Prince Harry has been left embarrassed by Meghan Markle. That’s because he can’t believe that the same woman that he was so desperately in love with just a few years ago has turned out to be one of the biggest regrets of his life.

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What started out as their fairytale marriage has turned out to be a nightmare for both of them and apparently, Prince Harry is beginning to see the light. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Left Embarrassed By Wife Meghan Markle

As many royal fans are probably aware by now, this might have been the worst year on record for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

That’s not just because they’ve been humiliated multiple times in the press, but also because they’ve lost out on contract and their feud with the royals had just gotten worse.

That’s mostly because of Prince Harry’s tell all book, Spare, which some people think Meghan Markle might have encouraged him to write.

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To make matters worse, there’s speculation that Harry wants out of his marriage. Reports this year have said that he had even spent nights at a hotel room just to get away from his family.

He also regrets pulling the plug on his working relationship with the royal family and is very homesick for everything that he left behind back in the UK. 

Royal Family News – What’s Next For Prince Harry?

Of course, Meghan Markle sees things differently. There’s no way that she would ever return to the royal family that they left behind, let alone step foot in the UK again. But for Harry, this is not what he wanted.

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He was born and grew up as a royal. And now he’s beginning to feel like a C-list celebrity who is torn between two worlds. That’s why he’s looking to make some huge steps in the new year, with or without his wife by his side. Watch this space.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. 

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals,  We’ve got you covered.

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
Add Comment
  • Pete Laverda

    Leave them alone, nobody’s business but theirs. This is the Holidays, open up your blible and pray for them instead. If you don’t have a bible, get one.

  • Karen

    I think you better stick to soaps. This isn’t journalism. There’s no sources cited and quoted. This is fiction, gossip, it’s taking pleasure in the worst kind of hearsay-tales that in no way can be traced back to their source.
    Because you made them up.
    How does garbage like this get online? In print-if anyone let it get that far-it’d be used to line litter boxes and bird cages.

  • Joanne

    She manipulated him into marriage for prestige and money and a title and had children to him so she will be bonded to him for life, feel so sorry for the children their the ones who are really being used for all of this. NOT saying Megan and Harry don’t love them, but Megan is a manipulater and user for her own benefit.

    • Judy


    • Just123


  • Paul

    I don’t believe the royal rumor

  • Jo Pierre

    So sick of hearing how awful Megan is and how perfect Kate is. Source??? The source is YOUR racist mind.

    • Bacnblk

      Play that race card!!! Sickening

    • Loula

      Racist simply because someone asked what color skin a baby might have? My husband was Native American and I as well have Native American blood! I have red hair green eyes and very light skin. Whereas my husband was very dark skin black hair and dark eyes! Countless times we conversed and questioned what our first born as well as the second born may look like? Dark skin light eyes light skin dark eyes? Does this mean we were RACIST AGAINST OUR OWN CHILDREN? Get a life PEOPLE and get over this RACIST CRAP!!! I AM SO SICK HEARING THE WORD RACIST ALONG WITH MOST OTHER PEOPLE!!!+

  • Shelli

    Megan Markle is an opportunist & a nightmare to boot!! She should be banned by the Royals for good. Its headed that way anyway!! I feel bad for Prince Harry & children.

    • Just123

      There was a time that I used to feel for Harry. But that’s long gone!! He made his bed, and now he gets to lay in it. For them both to be so eager to trash and slander their families is absolutely disgusting. Their continued use of the race card is absurd. MM presented herself as Caucasian until she married Harry and then suddenly when she could use it to her advantage she became a “woman of color”.

  • Jooty

    All smoke and no mirrors! This is a bunch of unsubstantiated dribble! Site PROIF or don’t call yourself a journalist!

  • M Lijoi

    Why don’t you write about what a nasty person Camilla Parker Bowles is? Look at what she did to Diana… Leave Meghan and Harry alone to work out their problems. No marriage is without issues, and the racism they have had to endure doesn’t help.

    • Just123

      The issues of “racism” is a figment of their imagination. Just like their so-called “nearly fatal high speed chase by paparazzi” in NY was!!!
      They are a joke and people have seen them for what they are and not what they like to ‘pretend’ they are!!

    • Phyllis

      Camilla and Diana were both adulteresses ! So was their husband! It is time to move on. Diana has been dead a long time , let her rest in Peace! Like it or loath it, Camilla is now the Queen Consort of England, let her and her husband live in peace! Charles was born to be King! Whoever is married to him has a special privilege! He works hard for his country and leads the world with his expertise in all things including conservation! He cares about his people, his country and the state of the world ! Let him do the job he was born to do! He practices what he preaches! This is not a Taliban country, it is Christian and as such we need to remember what Christian charity and forgiveness means !

  • Tammie Schronce

    This is not soap opera material! This is Royal news for the UK you all just trying to stir the royal sh** pot!

  • Lynn

    I highly doubt this story! Harry is too blind and stupid yet to see all the damage that he and Meghan did! I hope this is true that he sees the real story now…but we will see! Otherwise he is an unemployed nobody that nobody wants a part of!!!

  • Carolyn

    Harry go back to the UK. I hope they take away the titles for Meghan. Harry and kids maybe able to keep their titles.

    • Phyllis

      Harry was born royal, his titles are his! They were conferred on him by Queen elizabeths! But he was born a prince of the realm! His children are both royal! He was a wild child but he only hurt himself. His wife is a pain, she targeted Harry and convinced him it was love! She manipulated the situation and they are what they are! He is rather foolish but she takes advantage! ! He should return to the life he was born into he should divorse her and take his children to where they need to be!

  • Vernell

    I feel for Prince Harry, he has two children in the middle of this situation. The children need to know their family. Protected his family, wife is what most honorible men do. Being a spare is not easy, hope him and King Charles can work something out for Harry and the children



  • Chris Shaffer

    It sure took him long enough to see all of the lies & manipulated all moves. According to what I read a few years ago the children born to include as of HRH that the crown can step in and take the children away. Talk to his father about pulling those rules so Harry doesn’t lose his children

    • Bee Bee

      I can not believe Harry would go back to UK, leaving the children he loves so much behind. Can not believe he so misses the family and royal life he hated. Is this because he was taken care of and doesn’t know how to be financially independent? Again, what about the children…

  • Kent Burgess

    Harry deserves everything he is getting. If only he had realized Megan’s plan he could have lived a great life.

    • Just123

      Exactly. When they made their hasty decision to leave the UK and Royal family I always felt that Harry would live to regret it before very long. No doubt MM convinced Harry that he could make so much more money in Hollywood and they could choose nd decide for themselves what they wanted to do rather than being told what to do by the Royal machine in UK. They didn’t like the idea of being told what to do.
      Well we’ve seen how well that has worked for them!!

  • Zuleita

    I feel for the royal family Willame, Kate,prince Charles camela they have given so many chances to Harry and his messed up wife .He choose to let her manipulate him and this why all this crazy talk and book came from .The queen knew what was going on and worn Harry but Harry was blind and still is .I feel for his children but ,for Harry a nd Megan to still have titles I belive they should be taken away they have caused so much pain and don’t deserve to be titled for all the awful things they have done .I think William and Kate are fed up and Megan should never be able to return to UK Megan won’t even claim her own family and now manipulate Harry to think this way too its insane .I hope the royal family will have love and peace and happiness in 2024

  • Shelley

    Such a pity about Prince Harry and his wife.
    Nothing is going to change until peace is made between them and the Royal Family.
    Harry and Megan did not spend enough time working as Senior Members of the Royal Family. Meghan it is said, doesn’t have what it takes to become an A list, Movie Star. So a Hollywood future looks very dim. Harry was raised as a Prince of England. He excelled as a soldier, however is does not have that purpose of life anymore. The Sussexes have no purpose outside of the Royal Family. They should not have left their Families. To this day I do not think that Megan really understans the true workings of that institution. For better or worse. For now they need to stay out of the public’s sight and take care of their families, the fence has to mend on both sides.