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Prince Harry Left Embarrassed Over Meghan Markle’s Lifestyle Brand

Prince Harry Left Embarrassed Over Meghan Markle’s Lifestyle BrandFor Prince Harry there are more important things in this world to worry about other than what flavor of jam is going to be released each month.

Prince Harry Left Embarrassed Over Meghan Markle’s Lifestyle Brand

Yet, his wife Meghan Markle doesn’t see it this same way. There’s heavy speculation that suggests Prince Harry has been left embarrassed over his wife’s lifestyle brand.

And he’s got a few good reasons behind It, too. He thinks that he and Meghan could be tackling on more important things that are going on in the world than selling a different flavor of jam each month along with chicken feed and dog snacks.

For the Duke of Sussex, he still wants to go about things by doing it the royal way by traveling the world and highlighting some of the changes that are needed in some of the more disadvantaged countries.

And while Meghan certainly understands what is on Prince Harry’s agenda, she also wants to build more clout as a celebrity.

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In fact, a lot of her critics think that she’s trying to be the next Oprah Winfrey or Gwyneth Paltrow with her lifestyle brand.

But for Prince Harry, he’s just over it. He knows that it hasn’t taken off the way that Meghan had hoped and quite frankly, he’s just embarrassed over the entire thing.

He would rather go back to the UK and take on royal engagements and make public appearances on behalf of the King of England than watch his wife sell dog snacks.

And that’s where he and Meghan differ. The Duchess of Sussex truly thinks that she’s making a hug change in the world or at least contributing to society in a way that she wouldn’t have done if she still stayed with the royal family.

So far Prince Harry himself has not made any comments about the matter. We will definitely update you with all of the latest details as they come in.

In the meantime, let us know what you think of this story by living us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: ACHPF /

  1. Martha says

    First of all…I can’t stand Meghan Markle. But at least she is trying to make a living. Harry has never earned a dollar in his life. He has not one skill. He just wants to go home so his daddy can dish out the bucks. You quit Harry. Broke your grandparents heart. Then you trashed your entire family and Britain too. Get up off your lazy ass and get a job. As I said, I can’t stand Meghan. But she is trying!

    1. Mary says

      I can’t stand them but he is bringing in money from Better up and it’s a hefty pay check every month. She wouldn’t be able to do this if it weren’t for him and his family. So don’t knock him that far down. She’s using a Title bestowed to him by his late Grandmother the Queen. She will never give that up. When they were desperate for money they went running to dear daddy Charles and used his two inheritances from his Great Grandmother and mother. Again I I’m not praising these two but she would not be anyone or anywhere without him.

  2. Debby says

    Montecito Amazon perpriorter unveiling a new flavor jam??? FYI. You can buy fancy jars just like hers for $7.99 @ Safeway

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