Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Left Queen Elizabeth With No Choices During ‘Megxit’ Debacle

To many within the U.K., Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s behavior prior to “Megxit” was more than a bit shameful. It was viewed as shameful because Meghan and Harry didn’t hold with the way things “have always been done.” Indeed, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry flouted rules that have been understood for ages.

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One of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s most glaring infractions came when they went public with their plans to step down from The Firm. According to Royal experts, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle should have approached their family privately with their plans before taking it public.

The thing is that by going public and surprising everyone from Queen Elizabeth to Prince Charles to Prince William and Kate Middleton, Harry and Meghan created expectations in the minds of the public. They gave Queen Elizabeth very little room to maneuver, and thus Harry and Meghan’s move has since been described as a figurative gun to the Queen’s head.

As Emily Andrews, the Royal editor of the Mail on Sunday stated in a Channel 5 documentary, “ “At the time in January there was a lot of anger. As one very senior member of the house said to me, don’t put a gun to the Queen’s head. You do not go public and say what you want; we sort it out behind closed doors. We all try and negotiate and then we present a united front.”

It’s Better That Prince Harry And Meghan Went Away

Of course, there are those who mourned the fact that Prince Harry and Meghan stepped down from their duties as senior members of the British Royal family. Yet, the new book by co-authors Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand, entitled “Finding Freedom” implies that allowing Prince Harry and Meghan to leave The Firm may have been a calculated move to preserve the monarchy.

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Indeed, it’s suggested that Queen Elizabeth was fearful of the idea that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could become more popular than the heir to the throne, Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton. It would be best then, from Queen Elizabeth’s point of view, to allow Prince Harry and Meghan to cut the apron strings.
Of course, from Prince Harry and Meghan’s perspective leaving couldn’t come too soon. They knew they were popular and staying in the U.K. would simply prevent the Duke and Duchess of Sussex from being able to capitalize on that popularity.

As the Channel 5 documentary noted, “When they (Harry and Meghan) were told that they had to be brought into the confines of the Buckingham Palace machine I think that is when they realized their wings were being clipped and they weren’t going to realize the stardom that they had set themselves up to be.”

Meghan And Harry Forge Their Own Path

As most everyone knows by now, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have forged their own path since fleeing Buckingham Palace. While there are those who speculate that Prince Harry will be forced to return to work at The Firm at some point, both Prince Harry and Meghan Markle seem to be coasting along just fine.

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle haven’t had to work since stepping back from their royal duties, Prince Charles has continued to pay for their security, and they just purchased a $14.5 Million dollar home in the same neighborhood as Oprah Winfrey. In America, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may truly have found freedom of sorts.

Harry and Meghan can pursue their passions, they can be open about their political views, and they can pursue fame to their heart’s content. (Never mind all of Prince Harry and Meghan’s protestations about their need for privacy. Everyone knows that part is total bunk.)

The bottom line is that with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle gone, Queen Elizabeth is probably breathing a silent sigh of relief. It’s not likely that Prince William and Kate Middleton will ever intentionally put her in the same sort of “gun to the head” position that Harry and Meghan did.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Prince Archie, and The Royal Family right now. Come back here often for all The Royal Family spoilers, news, and updates.

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