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Prince Harry MUST Face BRUTAL Truths About Meghan Markle To Succeed In 2024

Prince Harry might feel like adapting the Sound Of Music song “How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria” to “How Do You Solve A Problem Like Meghan Markle.”

Because as the Duke of Sussex starts 2024, he must face some nasty realities about his wife Meghan in order to succeed.

And experts warn that If Harry tries to ignore those brutal truths, he and Meghan could end 2024 the same way that they did 2023: As Hollywood’s biggest losers! Get all the details below.

Prince Harry Faces Book Bad News

The Duke of Sussex and Duchess of Sussex made a four-book deal with Penguin publishing house. And in the wake of Prince Harry’s tell-all memoir Spare, Meghan Markle plans to pen a similar bombshell-dropping bBut Harry and Meghan also reportedly want to write a book together, per the Daily Mail.

Prince Harry MUST Face BRUTAL Truths About Meghan Markle To Succeed In 2024

However, experts warn that now “isn’t the right time” for more books from Harry and/or Meghan. And that’s because the public feels “overloaded with stories” about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

But despite that overload, Meghan and Harry keep oversharing about what they perceive as situations in which they became the victims. For instance, Harry’s memoir turned Prince William into a villain. And now Meghan reportedly wants to pen a similar book.

But Lynn Carratt, from Press Box PR, warned against it. However, Carratt does see that tell-all from Meghan as “still the plan. And it will form part of their deal with Penguin,” she noted. “But timing is everything.”

Meghan Markle Plans ‘Moans And Groans’ Memoir

And the PR expert warns that Meghan shouldn’t use 2024 to release her memoir. However, Carratt predicted, “There are many things Meghan will want to say and put her side across about. She’ll want [to] talk [about] her marriage to Harry, her relationship with King Charles and Camilla, Kate and William. I’m sure fans would like her to talk about her relationships.”

But the PR expert believes that Meghan needs to become more “sensible” about how the world perceives her. As a result, Carratt advised the Duchess of Sussex to seek “a quieter time in 2024.” And that would let all the problems that Harry’s book Spare created, along with Meghan’s pal Obie Scobie’s Endgame.

But royal expert Angela Levin predicted that when the Duchess of Sussex does pen her memoir, she will fill it with “moans and groans about how badly she was treated as a royal.” And Levin added via MSN that Meghan probably will pen a tell-all similar to Harry’s but with one key difference. 

“It’ll be full of untruths, won’t it?” predicted Levin. “Because we’re used to her not actually quite hitting the nail on the head when it comes to truths.” However, Harry might want to alert Meghan to that potential problem in her future memoir.

Prince Harry Wins As ‘More Interesting’ Than His Wife

And ironically, Meghan’s own pal Omid Scobie, author of Endgame, elaborated on a problem that the Duchess of Sussex faces in her memoir. “To gain the respect of the reader, you have to be completely human in your portrayal, transparent in your portrayal of yourself,” said Scobie. “It has to be candid, it has to be embarrassing in places.

It has to be all of these things to be the true portrait of a human being rather than the varnished image of a public figure that wants to be seen in a certain way.”

As a result, he believes that Harry’s memoir will always win over whatever Meghan writes as “more interesting. Because I think Megan has a much more curated take on what her image is and how it should be.” And in contrast, Harry has become known as a “very candid, candid man.”

Tell us what you think. Do you believe that Harry will recognize that the public feels overloaded with stories about the Sussex family? And can he persuade Meghan to stay quiet in 2024? After you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

Editorial credit: Lwsi Cox /

  1. Hazel says

    I believe most people are tired of the incessant complaining about two very privileged people. Life ain’t easy…. So they should have looked at the positives and carried on.

    The saddest thing about her is she has eliminated her father from her life. Now appears to want to eliminate Harry’s family except how she can use the association.

    It appears she is very narcissistic and feels her desires supersede everything else.

  2. Matilda Flippo says

    She needs to be completely honest about what she writes in her book. Own up to her mistakes.

  3. Mary Kunstman says

    Meghan and Harry need to fade away. No more books or pod casts. They obtained their freedom from the Royal Family. They got went they wanted yet all they do is complain about RF. People are disgusted with the pair.

  4. Matilda Flippo says

    Prince Harry needs to get the royal family back on track and talk things over with his family. Clear the air. Family and forgiveness is the answer to the problem.

  5. Lola says

    From the beginning Megan has had her idea on how to become more important than everyone.
    I never heard of her before she got with Harry.
    I don’t care about her or her family. She is making a foul of of how Americans really are. Harry is in a bind now that he has children with her. I Megan really a very boring subject! Can’t she get out of the limelight? Doesn’t she realize she was a wannabe
    Starlet? Go away Megan!!!

  6. M says

    Everyone seems to forget the bitch is an actress and a hell of a self serving gold digger and lier

  7. Judy says

    Harry needs to go back to his family. Divorce that wicked woman and get his life together as the Royal he is. Markle will always drag him down, he needs to cut her loose now.

  8. Betty says

    Harry cannot Change Megan’s mind, no one can. If she decides to write her memoir, she ‘ll write it this year. Even though it would be a mistake. We are tired of their,lies and antics. It’s time for them to be,quiet about the RF and move on. Stand on their own two feet,and either make it or fail but if they don t change their attitude of being the most important. They will Fail and destroy their brand and their lives.

  9. Anita says

    Megan needs to suck it up and realize “She Married a Royal, her children are Royal, when she married a Royal SHE Should have been ready to live as a Royal”
    Not do everything she can to take them from their family and home!!! Megan either ask forgiveness for your devious actions, get your life and head back where it should with Harry and the children in his Royal country or let them move back where they belong with their family move on with your devious self and leave them to live their lives if you don’t want to be a part of it!!!

  10. Joyce says

    Neither Harry or Meagan can be trusted now or ever the RF knows this for sure. They both have mental problems it’s hard to say if they can be helped. Jealousy is truly a green eyed monster and it won’t go away. Anyone who has to put down and try to destroy other people to get ahead needs help. Example someone who has never done anything wrong and if they did – someone else made them do it, in their mind spells VICTIM. So sorry for their kids.

  11. Susie says

    Hello ALL, I Think they should both focus on expanding the invigorous games to many areas of the country. Get up a campaign to raise money for the vets and the games. Write a book about the history of the games and how to expand. You know what to do and get away dumpster diving in public on the families. Behind the scenes is your business and work to heal as you have let them know you know how to speak up for yourselfs. See what healing can come from that and both of you go to church like grandma QUEEN ELIZABETH 11 did and understand the spirit of JESUS as very important in the world today. You will never win without JESUS and his ways. KEEP YOUR FOCUS ON THE VETS AS POWERFUL HEALING GOING ON THERE, SO EXPAND YOUR PROGRAM THERE AND YOUR IMAGE AND IMPACT THERE. LOVE YOU BOTH…

  12. Susie says

    Hello ALL,…JESUS came NOT to condemn the world, but he came to save the world and to be LOVED by those that honor him. He can be a meeting of the mind in peace talks. JESUS says things and you agree and maybe the others agree but it not comes from you as your point so they can complain about that because of jealousy… He can be a greater influence on your point bigger and better than you ever will make on your own. So open your BIBLES and studying for your answers cause they are all right there for you to understand your self. You started something huge in getting to the disfunction in your family. Prince HARRY we all are sinners, but when we start to see the light and vision of the ways of JESUS the function comes back and understanding of the way, truth and life of the greatest SPIRIT of the world. Your Father talks this language and understands the ways of JESUS, but your brother Prince William doesn’t but maybe a Little bit. Your heart is seeking and when you realize we are all living in the dark of the world and we’re crazy lives. It’s JESUS who brings grace of his glory into the human heart of a wonderful world we are all seeking among us all. Queen ELIZABETH 11 LIVED IN THIS WORLD OF MEANING, A LANGUAGE WE ALL NEED TO UNDERSTAND WITH OUR HEARTS. ❤️ Make this a better year that JESUS came and sat down with you and gave you his heart and love to your heart. Again he is the WAY, TRUTH AND LIFE TO THIS LIGHT ONTO A DARK WORLD . He heals those that can open there hearts to him. ❤️

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