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On the flip side, there are many fans of the Royals that are calling this claim by authors Dylan Howard and Andy Tillett, utter B.S.
While Prince Harry let the cat out of the bag in at least two major interviews. Essentially, Harry confessed that “in this job, every single time I hear a camera, every single time I hear a click, every single time I see a flash it takes me straight back …” (to his mother’s death). This is the underlying foundation for Prince Harry’s pain and angst. This is what caused Prince Harry to make the decision to ditch the U.K. for a life of celebrity, wealth, and fame in America … where every click and every flash, will remind him of the dollar bills that are being deposited into his personal account.
There is no doubt that the death of Princess Diana really did cause wounds that fester inside Prince Harry. Yet, one must ask if Princess Diana’s death affected Prince William any differently. No one saw Prince William make a decision to leave the Royal Family behind because … paparazzi.
No, instead the real truth may lie in the belief by some that Prince Harry’s decisions had a lot more to do with Meghan Markle than with anything else. Indeed, some believe that trying to prop Harry up by focusing on his pain and using it as an excuse for his very public split with the Royal Family and what has become known as “Megxit” is actually quite appalling.
Many may recall that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle chose to step down from their duties as senior members of the British Royal family. During that well-known event, the media reported that Buckingham Palace was furious with Prince Harry and with Meghan Markle. Queen Elizabeth is even reported to have suggested that they couldn’t just allow Harry and Meghan to do whatever they wanted because they would, in effect, start their own “celebrated Royal Family.” Queen Elizabeth went on to note concerning Harry and Meghan that, “if they aren’t carrying out official duties and are now seeking other commercial opportunities, they simply cannot be allowed to market themselves as royals.”
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In order to prevent Harry and Meghan from making money off of their titles and their Royal status, Queen Elizabeth then banned them from using the word “Royal” as part of their branding. Of course, fans of Harry and Meghan know that the couple doesn’t really need to use the word “Royal” to be perceived as such. Prince Harry is still called “Prince Harry,” for example throughout North America. The very fact that Meghan has a prince at her side is enough for some to fall all over themselves in offering deals worth literally millions of dollars. This is true whether or not Meghan and Harry have the credentials “commoners” would have to earn before receiving offers such as they have.
Just, for example, Meghan and Prince Harry recently confirmed that they’d struck a deal with the New York-based Harry Walker agency, wherein they’ll deliver public speeches at the tune of $1 Million per engagement, each.
It seems then, that Prince Harry is doing quite all right for himself, even as a “casualty of war,” and Meghan … well, Meghan is making out like a bandit.
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